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Heroes of Light and Dark { Invite Only}

Forum-Index Roleplay Heroes of Light and Dark { Invite Only}
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 03:56 (9 Years ago)
Opal was even more confused, frustrated even at the lack of answered. She shifted to a hawk, stumbled slightly and shifted back. "Head injuries are never good," she muttered, recalling the event of her slamming into the wall. She headed back inside, trying to figure out the recent events. Opal had heard something about a chanter? So much confusion, with a slight headache it was overwhelming for the mere 11 year old. Flying would help. But head injurieesss. In her frustration as she walked she continuously shifted back and forth, a minimal amount of mist forming but it was dizzying for anyone to watch either way.

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 04:03 (9 Years ago)
Suddenly, Aroura bumped into a young girl. Looking at her, Aroura realized she was the sparrow from earlier.
"Hey!" Aroura tried to stop her, "I saw you earlier. Are you a shape shifter? You where a bird when we met."
But the girl hurried past before Aroura could stop her.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 06:23 (9 Years ago)
After the Lux had left Evander turned to John, still holding Synthia's hand. "I would like for you to clear somethings up for me. Why does Terminus want to kill Synthia. What did you mean that Synthia can summon demons? And why does she look like this?" He gestured at the girl, whose horns were clearly visible above her hair. John sighed. "I geuss I do owe you an explanation. Terminus believes that the Chanters are a danger to people as a whole, and should be eliminated for the greater good. When we gave up parts of our souls he lost all sympathy for the individual. As for the demons, when the city of Centros was only just a small town, we had many tales of evil spirits and monsters. One day those beasts came to life. Sleepless Killer, the Tall Man, Shredder. Every terrifying creature we had ever thought up launched an assault on us. My brothers and I were able to imprison the monsters in special songs. When your sister sings those songs she can summon them to fight for her. As for her appearance, when someone becomes a Chanter they, in essence, become one of the demons themselves. It's like a defense mechanism. The monsters see her as one of them and won't attack her. But she must learn to control them first, otherwise when she summons one it will just go on a murderous rampage. If you would come with me we will begin her training." He stopped walking. "First though, I will answer the question you did not ask. The reason you feel such strong feeling for Aroura, even though you just met her, is a phenomenon called Soul Binding. Every once in a while, when new supers arrive, two of them will feel an extremely strong connection. So much so, that separation can cause quite a lot of emotional and sometimes even physical pain. Though no one is quite sure what causes it."
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 06:38 (9 Years ago)
Aroura continued to walk, not really caring where she was going. Soon she realized the sun was about to set. Stepping up her pace, she made her way back to the Lux complex to meet Locklear. She hoped Synthia was feeling better. She planned to actually have a meeting with the girl where no one go hurt, no crazy supernatural happenings, and Synthia didn't wind up in tears.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 07:18 (9 Years ago)
They spent about an hour training with John. When Evander realized that it was almost time for him to pick up Aroura, he began to panic. He had nothing planned and no idea what to do. John walked over and handed him three slips of paper. "I reserved you three seats at the restaurant 4 blocks down from the Lux mansion. You better hurry though, or you'll be late." He smiled then walked back to his study. 'I'll have to remember to thank him later' Evander thought "Come on Synthia we better get going." "Ok!" she said cheerily. Her mood had improved when she had figured out how to revert herself back to her normal self. They walked outside, enjoying the cool breeze for a moment, before flying off to meet Aroura.
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 07:25 (9 Years ago)
Aroura watched as Locklear assembled himself and his sister.
"Hey!" Aroura called, walking over to the siblings. She bent down to hug Synthia. "I'm glad to see you're feeling better."
Aroura stood up and smiled at Locklear. "How was you're afternoon? Do anything exciting?"
Aroura suddenly had butterflies in her stomach. She was terrified her racing heart could be heard on the other side of the city. She was glad Synthia was there. She didn't know if she would have acted without someone like the sweet girl there.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 07:40 (9 Years ago)
"Well, John and I worked on teaching Synthia how to control her powers." He gave her a quick summary of what Synthia's true powers were. "We don't feel confident enough to try even a safer song yet. At least we were able to get her to change back to normal." Synthia smiled at Aroura. "You don't have to feel nervous. Vany's nice if you can get him to stop being so proper." She said the word 'proper' in a snooty tone, giving a mischievous glance at Evander. He tosseled her hair, smiling and shaking his head. "You ready to go?"
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 07:49 (9 Years ago)
"I'm all set,"Vany." Aroura told him, then broke out into a wicked smile and winked at Synthia. When she offered her hand to Aroura, Aroura took it. They started walking down the street. "So, where are we headed, Locklear?"
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 08:14 (9 Years ago)
"A restraunt down the street called (can't think of a name xD). I've heard its good." As they walked, Evander was happy to see Synthia getting along so well with Aroura. He had been worried that she might associate the bad things going on with Aroura.

Gabriel watched the three walked away from the mansion. Jealousy coursed through his viens. 'Why had she pick that Nox scum over him? He was obviously better in every way!' He felt a hatred for that kid that he had never felt before. One way or another, that kid had to go.
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 08:30 (9 Years ago)
(How about the Jade Palace? I want Chinese food IRL so, it carried over into here XD)

"Oh! Sounds good." Aroura smiled. When the entered the restaurant, the waitress showed them to their seats. Aroura sat on one side and Evander and Synthia sat on the other. Unfolding her menu, Aroura looked through the drink options, finally settling on strawberry lemonade. The waitress came back with a bread bowl and took their drink orders.
Aroura smiled over her menu at the siblings. "So, what looks good to you guys?"

Gabriel followed the three down the street. He couldn't stand the thought of that creep and his sister sitting with his Aroura. He was not about to let the kid get away with it. Sulking outside, Gabriel paced the roof of the building across the street. A plan began to form in his mind.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 09:08 (9 Years ago)

Title: my form


Age: 15

Gander: Male

SuperName: TechknowEeveeion


Power: Can Hack any computer , laptop & android. Make games and develop games. Also doing photoshop editing.

Personality: Happy & Joking.

Others:Don't like mody Girls


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Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 10:08 (9 Years ago)
(EVEEEION this RP is invite only. Please do not post on this thread again.)

"The mandarin chicken sounds good." Evander said "what would you like Synthia? "Spring rolls!" She said excitedly. "Spring rolls it is then." He said smiling. He looked at Aroura. "So what did you do this afternoon?

Gabriel landed in a dark alley. 'Where is he? A man stepped out of the shadows. "What er ya doin here kid? This here place ain't so safe fer you Lux." Gabriel tossed a bag of coins at the mans feet. "I've got a job for you, Samson.


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Name: Samson Daniels
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Super Name: Darkshot

Power: Heightened natural abilitys (i.e. Strength, speed, hearing etc.) regeneration
Personality: ruthless, unfeeling
Other: Was removed from Nox faction for killing several people, "because they made fun of his hat"

Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 14:43 (9 Years ago)
When Ethan had entered the Nox mansion and walked into the study with the others, he saw what had happened to Locklear's sister. Usually he would be surprised, but a lot of strange things have happened over the last few days. What did surprise him though, was Terminus suggesting that they kill Synthia. Was this so called 'Chanter' that dangerous?
Aroura had decided to leave, you could tell she was annoyed at Terminus for even suggesting it. Aroura refused to go back to the Lux mansion with us, and decided to walk on her own. But Gabriel being Gabriel, decided to follow her. Terminus took Ethan and Crystal back to the Lux mansion.
When Ethan has arrived back at the Lux mansion, he was hungry. Crystal pointed him in the direction of the kitchen.
After he has finished eating, he decided that he wanted to finish his training with Crystal. While on his way back to the training facility, he noticed Aroura outside along with Locklear and his sister. They began walk off towards town. And yet again, there was Gabriel, secretly following them. That guy really needs to get a new hobby. Ethan thought to himself, If Gabriel want's to be a stalker, that's not my problem. He continued on his journey to the training facility.
When Ethan walked through the glass panels of the training facility, Crystal was nowhere to be seen. "Crystal?" He called out, "I was wondering if we could continue my training?"
"Of course." He heard Crystal's voice. He spun around to the source. On the opposite side of the room, there stood Crystal with a smile on her face. Flying directly for him were her ice shards. He raised one hand up to block and tilted his head to the side. The shards never impacted. He faced towards Crystal with a confused look. And then he heard the crash. Ethan turned around, there lay the ice. Broken into pieces on the floor, next to the wall.
"Hmm" Crystal began, "It seems that you can not only teleport yourself, but other objects as well. That is one powerful ability you have." She began to walk towards Ethan, stopping a few metres in front. She bent down and began to investigate the floor. That's when Ethan noticed purple sparkling dust residue on the floor. Crystal began to explain, "It seems that the purple smoke you create while teleporting leaves behind this dust. It seems that the smoke disintegrates the object that is teleporting, and re-assembles it in another place. The dust is just the residue from the smoke, I assume."
Crystal began to stand up, "Are you ready to train more?" A grin spread across her face.
"I guess..." Ethan replied.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 16:37 (9 Years ago)
Aroura placed her menu down in front of her. She smiled sadly, "Well, I did a lot of thinking. I'm not joining the Lux. Not after what they suggested. But I'm not joining the Nox either. Something still doesn't feel right."
"Anyway, do you guys remember anything about before waking up here? Where you lived? What you like to do for fun? Anything?" Aroura asked, sliding forward in her seat. She wanted to know more about this strange boy and his charming sister.

"What do you want Angel boy?" Samson picked the bag of coins up, counting them.
"I want you to take care of a boy." Gabriel smiled. "You can take care of his baby sister too. Just make sure you leave the tall, dark haired girl alone. Scare her a bit, but make sure you leave her for me to "save""
Samson smiled, a wicked thing without real happiness. "With pleasure. Guess you're not as goody-goody as you pretend to be."
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 22:27 (9 Years ago)
Evander remembered the warning John gave about not joining a faction, but decided to drop it. "I don't really remember much of anything from before. I know little snipits of information, but that's about it. I know I was either training to be, or already was, a doctor of some sort. I know that Synthia is my sister. That's about it for me" he turned to Synthia. "Do you remember anything?" She looked confused for a moment, then said, "You guys lost your memorys? I still remember everything!"

Samson put the coins in his bag. "I can't promise the girl won't get hurt in the fray, but I'll try not to kill her." "I geuss that's the best I can hope for." Gabriel said with a sigh. "Just make sure the boy dies." "Of course." Samson said with a mock bow, before throwing himself up onto the nearby building.
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 22:45 (9 Years ago)
"Well, I remember some things...I grew up in a city. My mom was dead, childbirth I think. I don't think I had siblings and my father...wasn't great. He..." Aroura grew somber. Anger coursed through her veins as she remembered what her did to her. Her skin itched and crawled. Suddenly she realized Evander was calling her name. "Huh? Oh um... that's about it. What do you remember Synthia?"
Aroura was still distraught about what she had remembered but didn't want them to know. She wasn't sure she was ready to fully remember it herself, let alone confess it! So she played it cool, trying to act like nothing had happened. The waitress came back to give them their drinks and take there orders. Aroura got white rice with sweet and sour chicken.

Gabriel took to the skies again, landing on the roof of the building opposite the restaurant. "And know, to wait."
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 22:45 (9 Years ago)
Violet had ended of traveling into town. She noticed a man atop a building and stopped. I wonder how this will end, she thought. Violet moved until she had a better view and watcged in curiosity.

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 22:56 (9 Years ago)
"I remember lots of stuff. Me and Vany lived in a big house with a bunch of other people. Vany told me that he worked at some hospital. He said that everyday he saved people." She grinned at him. "I think you were exaggerating though." Evander was quite interested now. How can she remember so much more than me? "What else do you remember Synthia" "the other people were weird, but nice, at least to me. I remember playing with Sally, and Jane would sometimes do my hair." She sighed at the happy memorys. "I kind of wish we could go home."

Samson watched from the building across the street. He wasn't the kind of man to get in the way of another mans dinner. Let him enjoy himself a little bit longer. He could wait
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 23:45 (9 Years ago)
"An orphanage?" Aroura asked, intrigued. She loved that Synthia had such a wonderful outlook on life. "It sounds like fun. Having other girls around must have been wonderful! I don't remember ever having friends, but I know I wished I had a best friend who I shared everything with."
Dinner was brought out for them. Aroura took a bite and moaned.
"Oh, I thought I remembered Sweet and sour chicken, but clearly my memory failed me. This is amazing! How's yours?" She asked the Locklear siblings.

Gabriel wondered what was taking so long. It had to have been an hour since he had talked to Samson. Glancing at his phone, he was shocked to see it had only been fifteen minutes.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sun, 22/03/2015 00:15 (9 Years ago)
"It's really good." Evander said as he bit into the orange colored meat. "Yummy!" Synthia mumbled as she devoured her rolls. She swallowed then continued, saying, "I don't think it was really supposed to be an orphanage, cause most of the people there were adults. It was just a house where we lived with our friends." She thought for a second. "I geuss it was kind of an orphanage. Most of the people didn't have parents." Evander wondered why Synthia could remember so much but he couldn't remember anything. The names 'Sally' and 'Jane' sounded familier, but he couldn't put faces with them. Thinking of the building she was describing gave him feelings of longing, and a stinging headache. 'I have to have her tell me everything she can remember when we get back' he thought

Welcome To The Family