Forum Thread
Heroes of Light and Dark { Invite Only}
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Heroes of Light and Dark { Invite Only}He hadn't thought any further about whether or not to join the Lux. He thought that he didn't really have much choice. He couldn't just wanderer the streets on his own. He would have a place to stay. These people could help him understand his abilities; train him.
He got out of the bed and walked towards the door. As he opened it, Terminus stood there to greet him. "Have you given any thought about joining us?" Terminus questioned.
Ethan began to reply, "So, if I decide to join your 'faction', you promise I will be trained on how to control these abilities?"
"If you wish to be trained, then you will." Terminus replied.
"Fine, I guess I'll join the Lux Faction." Ethan stated.
"hat's great! We are glad to have you, let me introduce you to Crystal, she will be the one who trains you." He said as he gestured for Ethan to follow.

Ethan began to follow Terminus. He lead him down the stairs, through the main foyer and down a long corridor with many doors. He wondered how many rooms were actually in this place.
He and Terminus eventually came to a stop in front of a row of glass panels. On the other side of the glass was a very large room. It was filled with lots of equipment, Ethan assumed this was some sort of training facility.
In the centre of the room, beside two huge podiums, stood a woman. She was stunning. She was of average height, late twenties, icy white hair. Her eyes were a bright shade of blue. She wore a white cloak with a hood attached to the neck. He assumed this was Crystal.
"Ethan, I would like you to meet Crystal. She will be the one to train you. I will leave you with her. Good luck." Terminus said as he left the room.
Ethan turned around to Crystal, "Hi, I'm Ethan Smoak."
"Welcome. I am only able to train you if you are truly passionate about learning to control this ability or your's. Terminus has informed me that you are able to teleport. I have come across few teleporters in my life. But I know enough to teach you." Said Crystal. She spoke with complete Tranquillity in her voice. Almost like a Goddess.
"Of course." Evander said holding the door for her A few moments later he spoke. "While you were asleep the guy who shocked you came in. He said he new it wasn't enough, but he wanted to apologize for attacking you. A while back he and his brother had a run in with some of the less pleasant members of Lux. His brother brother didn't survive. He dedicated himself to making sure none of the others living here got hurt." Evander sighed. "He looked really sincere." They reached the door.
'I don't want to sing this anymore' Synthia thought in a panic. Everything around her was bathed in a purple arua. The tree nearby had begun to die, and the shadows had sharpened into spirits that swirled around her.
Voices whisper in my head, telling me that I'm really dead... Writhing from within the hive, the man they call Buried Alive!
The ground in front of her cracked and buckled, as something crawled up from beneath.

She had no idea why, but she felt uncertain about being around Locklear. It wasn't a sinking-oh-my-gosh-this-guy-gives-me-the-creeps! feeling she felt around John. It was a feeling of wanting to be around him but afraid she would do something stupid. What was wrong with her? She mentally shook herself, hoping to rid herself of such silly notions.
Lavender Tone, Lavander Tone, Lavender Tone, Broken notes pierce to high! Lavender Tone, Lavender Tone, Lavender Tone, To late say your goodbyes!

"OH MY GOD!" Aroura screamed. She was terrified for the poor girl. A corpse was clawing it's way out of the ground at Synthia's feet. Reacting on instinct, Aroura channeled her energy into the earth and air around her, hoping to counteract the effects the song was having. "Locklear, do you know what's happening? I don't know what to do to stop it! I can't attack it, Synthia might get hurt!"

Name: Crystal Albus
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Super Name: Glaciallus
Appearance: Average height, ice white hair. Eyes a bright shade of blue. Usually wears a white cloak with a hood.
Power: Ice manipulation. Capable of generating her own ice by using moisture in the air.
Personality: Usually quite calm and peaceful. Sees the goodness in others and tries to help. She will fight for the people she cares about.
Crush: None
Other: Is very advanced and skilled in her ability.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Super Name: Glaciallus
Appearance: Average height, ice white hair. Eyes a bright shade of blue. Usually wears a white cloak with a hood.
Power: Ice manipulation. Capable of generating her own ice by using moisture in the air.
Personality: Usually quite calm and peaceful. Sees the goodness in others and tries to help. She will fight for the people she cares about.
Crush: None
Other: Is very advanced and skilled in her ability.
"So Ethan," Crystal began, "Have you actually been able to teleport yet?"
"Yes, only twice though. The first time, I never even knew that I had done it. The second time, I knew what I was doing, but I never even moved from the same spot. Like I said, I have no control over it." He replied to her.
"I see, I see... The first time you teleported, what exactly caused it to happen?" She questioned.
Ethan thought back to that moment, just before he was about to die. "My life was in danger, I was going to die. I just closed my eyes and prepared myself for the worst. The next thing I knew, I was across the street in the alley. Unharmed."
Crystal was in deep thought. Staring blankly into space. Eventually it clicked with her. "Now I understand. The huge burst of emotion you had while you were in danger, that is what triggered your abilities. And that is the key to training them. To learn to control your abilities, you need to feel intense emotion. Eventually as you progress, you will be able to control your abilities at will."
He understood what she was saying. "But how am I meant to feel the same emotions again?" He asked.
Crystal began to turn around and slowly walk away. "Well, that is quite simple, Ethan. We put your life in danger." She quickly spun around to face me. One of her hands appeared from under the cloak, aiming directly for me. Ice particles immediately generated from the tip of her hand, forming ice shards that came flying in my direction. Ethan was surprised to say the least. What was she doing? The ice was drawing closer. He closed my eyes and raised his hands in front of his head to block the attack...

Suddenly a strange boy ran into the room. He whispered in Terminus's ear. Terminus's eyes grew wide. The boy ran from the room.
"I've just been informed of a strange energy surge on the outskirts of the city!" Terminus told them. "We need to go. Now!"
Seeing John with his hands on Synthia, Aroura just about ripped his throat out! She rushed forward, fans already out and aimed at his throat. She stopped just shy of decapitating John when noticed the spirits where gone. That didn't stop Aroura from pulling the little girl out of his grasp. She hugged Synthia and walked her over to Locklear so he could look over her.
"Shh, shh...It's okay now, honey. They're gone. It's going to be alright." Aroura whispered to Synthia, hoping to calm the franticly sobbing child.

"Is there anything I can do?" She asked Locklear while he continued to comfort his sister.
"Oh, stop exaggerating. I was trying to make you feel the same emotions you had felt earlier, until I was interrupted. I was never going to actually harm you. I was just trying to scare you a bit." She said while glancing towards Terminus.
"Well I suppose if it was the only way to help me train..." Ethan understood that this is what had to happen for me to train.
Terminus interrupted us. "You can talk about this later, we have to go. Now!"
"I thought you didn't know where the Nox mansion was?" Ethan stated.
"The immense amount energy, we can only assume that is where the mansion is." Terminus replied.
"How exactly do you know where the energy is?" Ethan questioned.
Crystal intervened. "Soon enough you will be able to sense the energy like we can. Gabriel, do the honours and take me and Ethan to the mansion. We will met you there, Terminus."
"Will do." Gabriel replied.
Soon enough, Ethan, Crystal and Gabriel arrived at the front of the mansion. Terminus showed up just moments before.
"What exactly do you plan to do?" Ethan asked to Terminus.
"We are going to save Aroura, of course." He said, with a smirk along his face.
John burst through the front doors to find Terminus, Gabriel, Ethan, and Crystal standing there. "Brother why have you come?" He said cooly. Terminus glared at him. "We have come to rescue Aroura from you. One of your scoundrels injured her. Hand her over and we'll give you no trouble." John smirked, "Currently she does not need to be rescued. She was not hurt. She is in my study with Evander. If you can behave yourselves You can come in and get her." John began to walk back inside. Stopping he said without turning. "Terminus... There is a new Chanter" Terminus golden face turned a pale yellow.

"Peace, Gabriel," Terminus put a hand on Gabriel's arm. "My brother is many things but he would not lie about this."
Aroura was unsure what exactly to do. Locklear was hugging his sister so she didn't feel right about trying to hug the girl. And she couldn't leave! Not with Synthia so terrified. So she just stood there, a hand on Locklears shoulder, lending her silent support.

Then she walked stiff backed as she exited the room. She showed no emotion. She hardened her heart, at least for now. She walked past Terminus, Ethan, a strange women, and Gabriel without comment, leading them from the mansion. Once outside, Gabriel held out his hand to her. He had re-sheathed his sword. Aroura didn't care. What she needed was space. So she walked, heading down the street, turning at random.
Suddenly, she felt she was feeling followed. Pretending to put her hands in her jacket pockets, she pulled out her fans. Spinning around, she had the ends of them pointed at her pursuers throat.
"Why are you following me Wings?" Aroura asked coldly, she lowered her weapons slightly.
"I just wanted to make sure you were okay." He told her.
"I'm fine. I know where the Lux complex is. I can find my way back," She dismissed him, turning to walk again.
He grabbed her arm.
"Don't," She ground out. She was close to tears, everything was so confusing! The bad guys where good, the good guys bad. She was trusting a complete stranger!
She tugged out of his grip and took off into the air, using her powers to manipulate it. Once out of Gabriel's sight, she hid herself in the gardens of a nearby park.