Forum Thread
The Pokemon Shipping Club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → The Pokemon Shipping ClubPokemon shipping-club
There are only a few basic rules.
1. Poke-heroes rules apply to this thread, any violation of the rules and you will be reported to the moderator.
2. Please respect all the shippings, regardless of what anime they are from.
3. No off-topic discussion in this RP, Riako has set up the Private messaging and feeds system for a reason.
4. The main focus of this Fan-club is to gather some REAL and devoted shippers, so if you dare insult any of the shipping (especially pearl-shipping) you will suffer the wrath of Scorpio.
5. You have permission to express your opinions on how the specific shipping is, though constructive criticism
6. Please, any shipping can be discussed on this thread.
7. Password is Pikachu roxxX
1. Poke-heroes rules apply to this thread, any violation of the rules and you will be reported to the moderator.
2. Please respect all the shippings, regardless of what anime they are from.
3. No off-topic discussion in this RP, Riako has set up the Private messaging and feeds system for a reason.
4. The main focus of this Fan-club is to gather some REAL and devoted shippers, so if you dare insult any of the shipping (especially pearl-shipping) you will suffer the wrath of Scorpio.
5. You have permission to express your opinions on how the specific shipping is, though constructive criticism
6. Please, any shipping can be discussed on this thread.
7. Password is Pikachu roxxX
* What is Pokemon shipping?:
I bet you wanna know what shipping
means right?
Well if you watch the pokemon anime then you would know.
Shipping refers to the belief of two characters from any anime or show to be romantically linked. It can be from any show or anime.
Each shipping has a specific name e.g The pairing of Ash ketchum and Dawn Berlitz would be called Pearl-shipping.
Similarly the supporters of a specific shipping also have a name, if you support the pairing of Ash Ketchum and Dawn Berlitz then you would be called a Pearl-shipper.
Seek bulbapedia for more information regarding shipping.
Well if you watch the pokemon anime then you would know.
Shipping refers to the belief of two characters from any anime or show to be romantically linked. It can be from any show or anime.
Each shipping has a specific name e.g The pairing of Ash ketchum and Dawn Berlitz would be called Pearl-shipping.
Similarly the supporters of a specific shipping also have a name, if you support the pairing of Ash Ketchum and Dawn Berlitz then you would be called a Pearl-shipper.
Seek bulbapedia for more information regarding shipping.
*List of mulltiple shippings:
You have to gather info by yourself
- Pearlshipping
- Contestshipping
- Amourshipping
- Pokeshipping
- Cavaliershipping
- twinleafshipping
- Ikarishipping
- Egoshipping
- Balletshipping
- advanceshipping
(find the rest yourself :P)
- Pearlshipping
- Contestshipping
- Amourshipping
- Pokeshipping
- Cavaliershipping
- twinleafshipping
- Ikarishipping
- Egoshipping
- Balletshipping
- advanceshipping
(find the rest yourself :P)
*If you wanna sign up as a pokemon-shipper then please do the following:
[b]Fav Character from anime:[/b] (only one please)
[b]Fav shipping:[/b] (only one please)
[b]Fav pokemon:[/b](only one please)
[b]Fav generation:[/b] (only one please)
[b]Fav gen-starter:[/b] (only one please)
[b]Password:[/b] (look up at the rules)
[b]you pledge to support [i]only one[/i] shipping?:[/b] (fill with yes or no)
[b]Fav Character from anime:[/b] (only one please)
[b]Fav shipping:[/b] (only one please)
[b]Fav pokemon:[/b](only one please)
[b]Fav generation:[/b] (only one please)
[b]Fav gen-starter:[/b] (only one please)
[b]Password:[/b] (look up at the rules)
[b]you pledge to support [i]only one[/i] shipping?:[/b] (fill with yes or no)
Please enjoy......
Fav character from anime: Drew
Fav shipping: ContestShipping
Fav Pokémon: Umbreon
Fav Generation: Generation 3
Fav Gen-starter: Treecko
Password: Pikachu roxxX
You pledge to support only one shipping?: I'm not sure what you mean, but I only ship May and Drew with each other.
What do you like about PearlShipping?
If you look more closely at the hints, you could simply see that both of them have the MOST prominent and adorable hints.
Plus by adding Dawn with Ash you get a great story, Dawn is the being of all emotions and Ash is the main character who has a clue-less mind so it adds a pretty tangy twist :P (I also sense a super-baby for them in the future :3)
The pokemon company will get alot of views in the anime!
Dawn is an over-all great female companion compared to the others, she works with everyone in perfect harmony!
I mean the time she worked with Conway (that dude is plain creepy O.O)at the tag battle competition she had no objections and managed to get far with him
I just can't STAND amourshipping! I hate it in ways you could possibly imagine X( Serena annoys the hell out of me, she is just so ***************! (Trust don't wanna know what I just said)
Ash and Dawn sounds waaaayyy better than Ash and Serena. Look for yourself:
What shipping can you, 'NOT STAND'?
Ewww.....XP tensionshipping? I despise it! that is disturbing in alot of odd ways.....
I cant stand any shipping which seperates Ash from Dawn....I am a die-hard pearlshipper. I think Dawn, Gary, May, Solidad and Drew should make their appearance in Kalos, What do you think?
P.S start your RP dragon-fire already! XD
Username: Jirachi
Fav Character from anime: Casey
Fav shipping: Entourageshipping (Pearl, Diamond, and Platinum Berlitz. OT3!)
Fav pokemon: Clefable
Fav generation: Generation 4
Fav gen-starter: Turtwig
Password: Pikachu roxxX
You pledge to support only one shipping?: Do you mean like one ship per character? I have one or two ships like that so I guess yes.
(Contestshipping, Franticshipping, and Specialshipping are some examples ^q^)
If you mean just one ship only and nothing else then.. Iiiiii dunno man I ship a lot of characters! That'd be hard.
Because... with the Manga!Sinnoh Trio and a few others I tend to bounce around ships for them because there's so many possibilities!
If I had to go around with a label for myself though I'd be an Entourage-Shipper
I am a poke-manga shipper as well, My favorite shipping from the dex-holders are: Franticshipping, Specialshipping and leafgreenshiping.
I just LOVE the sinnoh trio! they are my favorite dex-holders! Platinum Berlitz (my first anime crush) is my absolute favorite character (I don't know what the others see in Serena T.T) and I don't even wanna talk about Pearl and Dia, They are so awesome! especially Pearl ;) The forth generation is truly the best gen ever made by game-freak.
@Moonlight197, Awww.....your opinion is sooo shippy! I love how Drew gives may the roses and such, it's so romantic. Did you know that May blushed almost every time Drew does that O.O? and that it is confirmed that Misty won't make her appearance in the anime again! *phew* she will only make a cameo appearance. How is your contestshipping fanfiction doing? I hope you plan on continuing it!
Post the next chapter already! I'm dying for more ;)
Next question:
1. If you had a chance to change one thing in the anime what would it be?
Ans= I would change the fact, that the characters never age O.o Ash isn't the only one who isn't 10 year old for the rest of his life....Everyone is! (though I think he looks more mature in the Kalos region, but still!)
Hmm.... I agree on the thing about the characters aging. They really should.
Also a chance to change one thing about the anime... Hmmm... maybe for one of the male protags to have a chance to chime in that isn't a cameo... y'know, with their own cool backstories too? Ash tends to just steal their clothes and run off with the female protag whose story is adapted for the anime... (not that the stories they tend to make for them aren't good.)
Either that or less forced shipping EVERY season? :X the writers themselves don't seem to know what they're doing a lot of the time when they keep giving Ash 2903790573609 love interests and such.
Then again it's a kids' show and for the youngin's who probably won't even notice this stuff... which isn't bad but, it makes the older viewers tend to cringe when they have some forced/hashed interactions here and there.
Fav Character from anime: Paul
Fav shipping: IkariShipping
Fav pokemon: Glaceon
Fav generation: Gen 2
Fav gen-starter: Chikorita
Password: Pikachu RoxxX
you pledge to support only one shipping?: Yes!
Sent from an undisclosed location
@Jirachi, OMG you just stole my thoughts and opinions about Ash Ketchum XD
He is one lucky ******* that he was there with Dawn and that they make a good couple and that Paul and Gary and the only rivals that I like and think are strong, The other rivals just seem to be over snooty little brats that can't mind their own business. I guess the females are okay and that they just are better off with Ash....except for Dawn XD
It's a bloody good thing that the sinnoh-saga was the most entertaining and engaging series in pokemon. The legends, champions, riavls, competitions,gyms and places are way cooler. If it was something stupid then I would've flipped off the couch knowing that this will be another season like Advance (no offense to the third gen lovers)
I personally wanted Barry to be somewhat cooler, like Pearl or Jun T~T
Honestly Ash coming up and stealing the manga verse characters cloths was really pissing me off -_-
I literally spitted out the water I was drinking when I heard that Serena likes Ash.....I think she should be with Hugh or Xavier XD
Next question:
2. What female protagonist is your favorite?
3. Do you guys like the pairing of Toothless and the day-care owner? If yes than what should we name it? :3
Fav Character from anime: I don't know, there's way too many to choose from xD
Fav shipping: OriginalShipping
Fav pokemon: Hydreigon
Fav generation: Generation 4
Fav gen-starter: Turtwig
Password: Pikachu roxxX
You pledge to support only one shipping?: Nope