Forum Thread
Sonic Rp: Neo-Freedom Fighters (Introduction and Fc entry)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Sonic Rp: Neo-Freedom Fighters (Introduction and Fc entry)Meanwhile, back at Fort Acorn. Dodger, Shard and Cyan are hanging around and testing Shard's new arm cannon
Dodger: Okay. Let's try to hit something that has no balance, and really, REALLY have no time to stand still. *Puts blind foul on* Ready?
Shard: I don't know about this, Dodger. *See Dodger putting a can on her head* I'm no William Tell, I mean c'mon!
Dodger: Just trust yourself. *Moves around*
Shard: Uhhhhhhhhhh....*Looks at the can* *Closes eyes* *Charges cannon* *To himself* Wish me luck. *Fires* *Opens his eyes* *Looks at Dodger*
Dodger:*Feels her head* Hey! You did it!
Shard: Did wha-*See can on the ground* Ooooh.
Dodger: See? I knew you can do it! *Pats Shard's back*
Cyan: *Watches and drinks soda* I don't think he was able to hit that can without hitting you.
Dodger: Nah! I inserted the automatic aim for Shard. In case he lost sight of his target, the Auto-Sight can relocated the target with ease. *Smiles*
Shard: But. What if I hit someone that's NOT the target?
Dodger: Don't think of that, Shard. Your program is set to not kill people, but to help, save, and rescue people. It's the law.
Shard: What law? The law of gravity?
Dodger: Of Robotics.
Shard: Oh, that...That's problematic.
Dodger: How come?
Troy's memory is center on what happened nearly 5 years ago with Joe and Eggman. He remember how he ran towards Joe seeing why is taking so long. Also, a recent memory how Maddie is worry about Joe since last night. He was going to check on Joe to make sure he's okay.
Gold's memory was kinda block. But he remember how he was practicing his telekinesis after since the battle at Fort Acorn a month ago.
Snake's memory was focus on Joe. He remembers how he first met Troy and Joe for the first time. He usually tries to forget all the things he had done before, and during his time here with the Freedom Fighters. The scanner nearly mark him as a threat, but concluded that he's safe.