the door openand the group see the machine moved but shut down due
to the defense system in joe's workshop."it seems the emerald has
more to it if a machine tried to take it..trooper get the emerald
to thereserve with the rest of the artifact in question. cyan mind
if you help me get this droid inside?"
the trooper takes the emerald to the Mobian Reserve. joe and cyan
gets the droid inside into a corner and joe heads to the other
droid."hey dodge can you hand me that data drive next to you?"
joe inserts the data drive deleting all the old data in the machine
and inputting the only copy into the drive and does the same with
the other droid."this this the droids wont attacks us unless the
data is placed back into them. the only data that exist is the
default data such as combat realated they are not affiliated with
any faction anymore." joe then says"im gonna clean these guys up
and edit thier data so they may help us around" he smiles"i will
also look at this data in this drive"
"thats bacially what im saying uless you place this in there then
they revert to thier setting from whatever time period they came
from" joe said as he cleans up the bots.
Dodger: I see. *Looks at the Metal-Unit* *Noticing a hole that
shape like a gem stone* You said that this Metal-Unit was moving? I
think I know what it is. *Noticing the mouth part is missing* It
seems to be in a conflict with someone, or something. And he is
like Metal Sonic. *Noticing the heavily damaged arm cannon*
"well once i get these guys fixed up i am gonna send them your way
for some extra help thanks for bringing in this one"joe said as he
washes up the metal unit.
Cyan: Hey, no problem, Joe! *Smiles on the way out*
Dodger stay with Joe in the Workshop. Amaze, she studies the unit
with careful details.
Dodger: *To herself* If that emerald holds something with this, it
can actually power the Metal-Unit. *Notices it have black as a
color of the body with yellow* Interesting. It reminds me of
someone. But who?
joe says to dodger" so you think the emerald is a power source to
this metal unit? thats what i thougt of too but i had to put it in
the reserve just incase the data wipe didnt work'
"well i have a copy it just i dont want to take a chance it may be
a killer if the data turns out to be something else i will return
the data to this unit"joe says as he fixes up the arm.
joe uploads the data of each droid onto his computer and finishes
fixing the arm and starts to fix the mouth"alright lets see what
you guys are."he see the other droid is a war droid known as a
destroyer droid"then i was correct that is what baras wanted to
make bt what are you"he looks at the data for the other one
Metal-Unit walks around. Without any knowledge of his current
operation. The order is given, the unit obeys, heading towards
where Cyan and Dodger are at. It looks at Joe one more time.
Unit: Chuck? *Audio sensors are damaged heavily to the point to can
barely hear him* Uncle Chuck?