Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → wondertradeTo protect the world from daily routine! To unite all people who are slaves to theen.
To denounce the evils of labor and shoves. To extend our ting-a-ma-bobs to the lamps aboves.
Pie! Flavored!
Team Random blasting off at the speed of snails!
Surrender now or prepare to epicly fails!
Random, that's right!

If you have played X/Y/OR/AS (which I believe, wondertrade was introduced), it is almost the exact same as here. You never know what you're going to get. A Zapdos for your Magikarp, or a Raticate for your Groudon. (badexampleisbad)
And considering that most people put "trash" in wondertrade, trash usually gets re-swapped for other trash. .3.
Half support .-.

My types are
Fire and Psychic!