Forum Thread
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers to life and death
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers to life and deathRashime looked at the pokemons, a bit confused, "Uh... Alright..." However, he still didn't know why humans were transformed into pokemons. He couldn't think of a logical explanation to it and he doubted there was one. Maybe the others would know. Probably not, but it was worth a shot, right? "But why? Why would humans be turned into pokemons in the first Place?"
Torch: I forgot to explain that. Humans were transformed to give balance to the world. Some of them left to their world, some of them didn't. For example, I was transformed into Torchic to break the curse that fell on Gengar (Or Gardevoir, but both are pokemon now), another human, because of Ninetails (I mean, ninetales cursed Gengar for touching her tails).
Melody: Torch, Why are you so boring? :c
Torch: ?_?
Villain is:
-Gene: Genesect. Melody's Rival. Knows Magnet Bomb, Flamethrower, Flame Charge and Techno Shock. (equiped with Douse Drive)
"Basically, darling, is that the two worlds just collided. That's all," Myra softly told the quilava. She stretched out a bit and sat down on a log meant for the fire. She suddenly remembered the fennekin again.
"Oops! I accidentally ditched a fennekin outside the town. She said she was a human-" Myra stopped. The bushes next to them moved the tiniest bit.

Torch and inferno are rivals because same type.
Trek and Dusk are rivals because Explorers of Darkness/Sky/Time Storyline.
Garde and Goth because they both look like Princesses at last evolution. One is white princess, the other is black princess.
And Melody and Gene because they are same Gen and Psychic is weak agains Steel and I think Bug is resistant to Psychic)
Inferno, Dusk and Goth: Team Dark Green is Back! *triple evil laugh*
Dusk: I told you! I told you we were going to meet again!
Goth: Um... I'm not really sure if calling a legendary an "old lady" is a good idea
*Listen to this while reading, so the awesomeness (?) of the battle intensifies. The Encounter - Kingdom Hearts II*
Torch: Let the battle begin!
[Battle Start!]
Dusk: Hohoho! You are wrong if you think you will win! *uses Shadow Punch on Torch*
Torch: Ugh... Is that... the best you can do? *laugh*
Dusk: I can do it Better! *Tries to use another Shadow Punch*
Garde: NOT SO FAST *uses Psychic on Dusk*
Dusk: NOT AGAIN! *gets defeated easily*
[Dusk is out of battle!]
Goth: OH, NO, YOU DIDN'T! *uses psychic on Garde*
Garde: *resists Goth's Psychic* GO TO SLEEP *uses Hypnosis on Goth and finishes with Dream Eater*
Goth: *dreaming* Nooo... *gets defeated*
[Goth is out of battle]
Gene: Let's intensify this battle... *uses Magnet bomb on Melody and Garde*
Melody: WAH! *faints*
[Melody is Out of battle!]
Garde: What? NO! *gets defeated*
[Garde is out of battle]
Torch: GARDE!
Gene: Sorry, Inferno, I'm not what you think *uses Technoshock (Douse drive) on Inferno*
Inferno: What do you mean? WHAT? NO! *gets defeated by Gene*
Gene: It's only you against me, Torch... *mad/evil laugh*
Gene: This is a great Idea!
Torch: Do you realize that you are Bug/Steel?
Gene: Yes.
Torch: And that I'm fire type, right?
Gene: Right.
Torch: And That Fire type is strong against both Bug and Steel type, right?
Gene: ...
Torch: You didn't.
Gene: Nope.
Torch: Are you going to fight anyways?
Gene: ...
Torch: Okay... *uses flamethrower and sends Gene To the moon°*
Torch: He forgot he had Technoshock with Douse Drive LOL
(°When I say "to the moon", I mean, to his base. Torch isn't strong enough to send someone to the moon.
Also, I said I was going to stop with the MLP references. I lied.)