Forum Thread
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers to life and death
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers to life and death"That's Xerneas! She tried to protect us from the dragon!" Mifie said "What a relieve she is here, we were protected!"
Dusk: Well, That hurts a little.
Goth: *Goth is frozen solid*
*Melody keeps watching*
Trek: *looks Espi a little nervous* Um... um... I think I know.
Trek: *Jumps near Kyurem* Um... Kyurem, sir, Humans aren't the problem now. The problem are those Inferno, Goth and Dusk.
"Thanks, madame!" Said Mifie "Everyone, let's run"
"You have done too much tonight, Kyurem!" Xernata angrily said "You don't know the taste of the fairies, do you? Moon Blast!"
"Nyah! Don't scream, Melody!" stunned by the voice, Mifie tripped her own feet and collapsed down.
Inferno and Dusk: So Fire is strong against Fairies, huh? *evil laugh*
Inferno: Ready Dusk?
Dusk: Always Ready.
Inferno and Dusk: DOULE FIRE ATTACK *Inferno and Dusk try to use Flare Blitz and Fire Punch on Xernata*
Torch: OH NO! NOT THAT! *Jumps very high (Even if only Blazikens can jump really high) and holds Inferno's Flare Blitz* Is it all your power, Inferno?
Trek: XERNATA! LOOK OUT! *Jumps between Xernata and Dusk's Fire Punch and gets hit by Fire Punch* OUCH! *falls to the floor*
"Geomancy!!! Now I'm at my limit of patience!" She support herself, going to raise every statuses, except HP.
Garde: TAKE THIS *uses a powerful Psychic on Inferno*
Inferno: *gets really hurt by Psychic* Ugh... That... Really hurts.
Dusk: *Looks how Garde uses Psychic on Inferno* HOW YOU EVEN DARE *Uses Shadow Punch on Garde*
Garde: aAAAH!
Torch: *Gets really angry* NO ONE TOUCHES GARDE! *uses a really, REALLY, Strong Flamethrower*
Dusk: NOOO! *gets really hurt by Flamethrower*
Inferno: Team! Retreat! *holds the frozen solid goth and flees*
Dusk: Don't think this as a victory! We'll meet again! Farewell! *flees*
Torch: *goes with Trek and Garde* Are you okay, guys?
Gard: ugh, Yes
Trek: *sleepy* 5 more minutes, mommy.
*Naming a woman 'old lady' is rude...
"I sense that there's a human around here, too. Is that you, kitty cat?"
"Wha!? Me? How do you know? I've never tell you!" Mifie stunned "No one is going to believe me, too, but you are stating it likes it's not a big deal!"
"Actually it is, baby. And don't underestimate my sense. I don't be called a legendary without reasons" Xernata answered "As you see, Kyurem isn't allow any presence of human here, so you should be extremely careful."
"What exactly is going on, madame Xerneas?" Mifie innocently asked "Since you can precisely tell I was a human, do you happen to know why I ended up here?"
"Blind to me, sweetie" Xernata said "All I learned is that both world's dimension of human and Pokemon collided, leaking some humans in, as a random Pokemon! You are a Skitty and he is a Torchic are good examples."
My sense can see what pokemon is a human, but it can't tell their names.
Torch: I also need to reveal a secret. I was a human, too.
*Melody and Trek fell asleep*
"I've already knew it. That Torchic is this Combusken!" Xernata said calmly "And there are 2 more, a Fennekin and a Quilava. The latter is over there" She turned to where Rashime was.
"I am yet unknown the reason, but I am willing to help." She continued "Forming a team of Pokemon is a must, for your sake, but don't crumb together. You kitty can't team up with him"
"Why!? Isn't the more the merrier?" Mifie opposed "Humans together can relieve each other, at least"
"Then how about if the team were destroyed by Kyurem?" Xernata stated this and Mifie kept quiet.
"Sorry. As you can see, my landing never gets better," she muttered as she got back up. She tripped over the giant deer's horns and accidentally landed on the fire. She yelped as she got up and brushed herself off. Myra then realized that she ditched the fennekin. Oops, she thought.

Torch: Oh, I remember that Celebi that fell in love with Grovyle.
Garde: I wasn't there when you went to the future (Or when Dusknoir pulled you into the future). Can you tell me what happened?
Melody: I wasn't even in that game. Tell me what happened >_<