Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokenesia"Let's see if my claws do anything..." said so, Foxie starts to dig up the ground.
Rashime was slowly getting a hold of himself and he heard talking from beside him. He lifted his head to look at the rest of them, a haunted look still on his face. A fennekin had apparently appeared from somewhere but the thing that caught his eye was that none of them seemed to be at all freaked out by all of this. Rashime directed his gaze back on the floor and he swallowed loudly as his vision was full of blood once again, his mouth had gone dry and he was feeling sick.
From crossing one wall to another and making markers on the wall to identify which way leads me back to the chamber I eventually landed in a room filled with some berries.
"Maybe I can make it up to them if I give them some of these?" I tried to pick up multiple berries but my mouth could only carry three.
"Hmm...maybe if I could change into another pokemon.....yeah! I'll transform into a kangaskhan! this way I could carry all the berries in my pouch!" with the help of some concentration and determination for an apology, I transformed perfectly.
" then let's head back" I traced the tiny marks on the walls for recognizing the paths....I may be a prankster but I'm pretty keen on survival, people just look at my dark side than the good.....I mean when we turned into pokemon, the other's thought I was crazy for liking being a pokemon, but life may be more awesome....I found some new friends- I err mean....trap buddies?
When I engaged the room I didn't expect to see what happened next....
The rest of the chamber mates were covered in a gross looking red liquid.
"Umm...what happened here?" I questioned still disguised as a kangaskhan.
"Who are you?" The purrloin asked me and I smirked.
"Why I am the one and only....KIBA!" just as soon as I said my name I changed my form back into a zorua.
"You!?" The purrloin got angry just as soon as she saw me...Females I tell you!, they over react too easily.
"Wait!...." I motioned towards the berries and then back to them.
"I'm sorry....I know that most of you are not that optimistic about the current situation and I shouldn't have done that, so I'm sorry" I looked guilty and realized that an apology was a dumb idea...
Who would eat and accept it when they are covered in a blood like substance? I'm so stupid! they will never accept me now! But what's done is done.... I waited for some good yelling :( But I saw someone taking deep breaths and he had a gastly expression on his face.
The Quialva was freaking out! he was swaying from one side to another.
"hey there something wrong?" I asked him ignoring the stares and the pool of blood beneath me, when I received no reply I got a little closer....he definitely needed help.
The dewott looked at me accusingly and the other's stopped me half-way.....does this mean I was not welcomed?....if so then I accept my fate, but then again I will not leave until I was sure that the quilava was Okay...

"Bow down a bit, sir, madam." She then whispers to the 2 newcomers whose size is way bigger than hers. "Or else the Dark King of horror Nightmare spots us, which is no good at all..."
Iris:"Ugh...I...Where...Where am I?And where are they?"
Iris:"I-is that..Lunar wing?!"
Before Iris could take the Lunar wing,Something swooped past her and grabbed the Lunar wing.
Iris:"Wha...?Where'd that Lunar wing go?"
???:"Welcome young one,you're in a dream y'know?Without a Lunar Wing,No-one's able to wake up"
Iris:"Gi-Give it to me!The Lunar wing!
???:Too late.*the lunar wing breaks*
Iris:It''s just a bad dream right...?
Iris:Once this dream had end,I'm just gonna be alright....right?

Foxie- "Darkrai! Why must you curse us to sleep!? We were in a very bad situation and yet you made it worsen!"
Darkrai- "... Worsen? That's the exact thing I want it to be! You were all trapped in the Maze like forever! Mwahahahaha!"
Foxie sits and sweats. Do everyone die here soon? How can a mere fox like her solve this?
Darkrai- "Hahaha... Ahem" *coughs* *drinks some sort of drink* "Too long laughing I get thirsty... Now, let's play games, shall we?"
Foxie- !?
Darkrai:So?What are you gonna do?
*Iris spots a monophone*
Iris:*stops using monophone*Gimme the broken lunar wing!Like...NOW!
Darkrai:*gives her broken Lunar wing*What are you gonna do...?\
Iris:Like I said,I'm gonna end this dream and make your life miserable.*Sorts the Lunar wing to make it right and glows*
Darkrai:What IS IT?!
Iris:Chillax...*Lunar wing starts to glow*
Iris:Heh...*raises Lunar wing high up before dream ends*
Darkrai:*in a hoarse voice*NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
*wakes up from dream*"Oh?"Said Iris as she saw the Lunar wing and everyone sleeping.She also saw some of them sweating because of the dream