Forum Thread
Pokemon Lullaby Version
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon Lullaby VersionEven if Bug-type Pokemon like Kricketot is a weakness to Psychic-type, Meloetta seemed not to express any fear at all, that's what the orange-hair girl assumed.
Like Jigglypuff's, Igglybuff's Sing can lure listener to sleep.
"Let's enjoy as much as we can, Iris"

"Oh, my Arceus, I forgot... Here is your very own Igglybuff you wanted" Prof. Song who has no clue what's happened earlier, handed a pink, furry Pokemon on Mifie's lap "Hug her, If you feel right, she is yours. Wanna name her?"
"Name her? well, let see..."
Thanks for the welcome! I post my Kirbmas earlier (last page).
Title: First battle request
"Hiya! I'm back, sorry if I was really mom went all 'oh my precious baby!' on me.....Iris, Mifie where are you?" I scanned the area for my friends and spotted Iris talking to proff.S and Mifie sleeping with igglypuff in her arms.
"Meloetta!" My pokemon exclaimed loudly and as she found that Jon was running back from home with his trainer clothes on.
"I'm back people!" He yelled and me,Proff.S, Igglypuff, Iris and meloetta sweat dropped at his behavior. Mifie fell from her seat straight on her face, Boy that was hilarious.
"I wanna battle now!" Jon yelled louder than ever. "wait I wanna battle to!" the rest of us yelled in unison.
"how about a tag battle? Me and Jon Vs You and Iris?" Mifie suggested.
I looked at my pokemon who nodded.I waited for the other's reply......
(EDIT: I wan't a tag battle please! That would be cool! XD if the teaming isn't appropriate then please suggest another pairing in your post, I'm cool with any team member,
P.S @Jonjonojon, what about the form that Finhawk sent?)

"Pu-- Pupu" nameless young Igglybuff had finally climbed over Mifie's head, now searching for the possible scar. "Pu-- ?"
"Nah, it's OK, baby" Mifie grabbed her pink ball and hold her in both arms "I know what should I name you! Professor,..."
"Go ahead"
"Cranberry, from now on, your name is Cranberry." She announced, Professor Song smiled "How is it sound, Cranberry?"
"Pu~~~!!" Igglybuff, named Cranberry, cried happily! Mifie nodded her head in most delighted for her Pokemon's expression. After that, she turned to Jon, whose voice wakes her up...
"So you want to have a tag battle and you want me to be your partner, Jon?" She asked the boy "That's fine by me, so are you?"
Title: Name?
"would you like a nickname?" My question made the pokemon smile, Meloetta nodded. "then do you think the name 'Melody' suits you?" meloetta nodded again, I gave my first pokemon her first nickname!. "Awesome Melody!" I hugged her and it looked like I was suffocating her. "Scorp! your suffocating her!" Iris patted my shoulder to make me realize what I was doing.
"Oh sorry, Meloetta-oh! I mean Melody!" Every one chuckled at my actions. I liked to make people laugh.
"Now with out further interuption's...." Mifie looked at me when she said this and I nodded in agreement. "What do you two say about the battling?"
(EDIT: HAHAHA LOOK WHO'S GOING SUPER POSTER NOW! lol XD and yes in real life making people happy is my top priority, I love to see people smile....
@jonojonjon: even though you are the one who created this RP, you post the less.....we get bored man, don't mind this though, I want to continue this RP with ma Homies! XD
P.S should we mention our ages? Mine is 15 in this RP, I'm younger in real life though :P)

Prof. is a female
Story:Kricketot saw the T.V remote and turned the T.V on.
T.V:The Poke Champion is Melanie Song from 10 Years to now the best pokemon trainer!
Jon:Professer is'nt your name Melanie Song?
Jon::O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O !
Jon:Don't worry Professer Song!We'll beat him!(Somehow Jon thought in his mind).
Kricketot:Krickey! Krickey! Krickey! Krickey!Krickey!Krickey!(Hey!I want to get a nickname!)
Jon:Oh yeah.Krickey your nickname is Krickey.I mean Kricketot your nickname is now Krickey!
Story:Krickey went into his backpack and put on pajamas.
Jon:Hey!Krickey that's not funny!
Jonah strolled into the lab like into his own living room his hands in his pockets. He spotted Prof. Song a littel farther away talking to a couple of people and started making his way towards her.
T.V:Shadow Lugia is coming to Ember Town!
Jon:Sha Sha Sha Shadow Lugia is coming to TOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Professer Song:This is'nt good!
Jon:What are we going to do!
Professer Song:I don't......
Story:Shadow Lugia blasted the roof of the lab!
Professer Song:Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All the Pokemon:Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Even the)T.V:Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!