Shade Woke up, a few feet from the group and beside Shadow and Kai.
Her wings where tied against her back with rope. tugging at the
chains, a flash of pain was sent through her wrists and she chins
cut in her flesh.
He tried to breath fire, but he had a muzzle on. "I Dn't Knw Ow E
Gt Hre.." (I spelled bad on purpose. Since he had a muzzle on, it
sounded wierd when he talked.)
Auraora saw a grunt come in from a other room holding some things
in his/her hands. "Are those muzzles? then if they are one of those
isn't getting on me..."Auraora though angrey.
Tim hears from someone that there is trouble in the Sinnoh Region
"What again? I can't just leave my position everytime A region is
in Danger" (Is it okay that the Evil Team is in Sinnoh?"
"Fine I'll stop them again but after this I'll become a full time
champion Once I find a successor to take down these people for me"
Tim walks out the building "Get Diantha and let her take the
Spotlight once more It won't be long before I reclaim My title"
Auraora slowly looked around before seeing a bowl full of berries.
"Finally...."Auraora though grbbing the bowl and started to eat the
berries hungrey.
Auraora slowly looked over to Shadow hearing it. "Didn't you notice
your bowl two? everyone got one and they put this thing that can
let you eat with the muzle on."Auraora said then continued eating.
Slash looks at Auraora "I dont have a muzle. if you ever truely
looked at me you will see my mouth is at the far end of my head so
it is kind of hard to eat some times. i cant bite any one that
well. i am better off having my hands to help me eat but my hands
are behind my back and i cant move them." Slash looks like she
could complain all day.
Auraora slowly yawns and goes to sleep thinking about something
like a trainer for some reason but while that happened scientist
where thinking about testing on one of the fusions/pokemon.
Auraora suddenly woke up quickly hearing a huge explosion. "What
the heck was that?"Auraora said confused and worried then checked
the chain seeing it not broken. "Ugh...."
Auraora suddenly seen purple slime around the door then hearing
growls for some reason. "I guess they made a slime pokemon from
something...."Auraora though then being spalttered in the face with
the slime or whatever it was.