Forum Thread
Lyraine's Trade Shop
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Lyraine's Trade ShopLyraine's Trade Shop!
This shop is currently OPEN!
UPDATED: 10 January 2017
NOTE: This list isn't updated and I may not have the items you have requested for. However, you're welcome to palpad me anytime to check the availability of your item.
Current Owners of this shop: Lyraine

> All PH rules apply! <
> Use the form! <
> Prices are negotiable. <
> The items list might be slightly outdated! I'm really sorry about that. (I need to keep a mental note to update it soon) <
> Please subscribe to the thread if you ordered something from me. 48 hours with no reply means that the order is cancelled. <
> Be nice. <
> I am not online 24/7 so please, don't rush me or spam me. <
> PM/Palpad for enquiries. <
> Password is your favorite shiny. <
That's about it! I might add on if I find the need to c:
Items For Sale:

~ 4k each ~

Looking For:

Retros I do not have:
Mew (Might not have the funds at the moment)
((name your price?))
Mew (Might not have the funds at the moment)
((name your price?))
What Pokemon Would You Like Me To Breed: Piplup
Gender: Any
Offer: PD
Extra Details: *
Password: PastelCookie

If it would make you happy,
I'll give my most precious thing to you.
Even if it turns out we can't meet for a second time,
A smile will always bloom in my heart.
-Vana n' Ice, The Last Supper.
Who I Would Like To Buy From:Both of you please
What I Would Like To Buy: Mystery box gold and mystery key gold
Offer:15K PD
EDIT:i only need Gold key now 7k for the key from CookieCheeze