"Greneon have you told them..about..the true plan..?" The voice
"No sir." Greneon replies.
"Plan?" Darnisk asked.
"Oh, It must happen like the book says..after all...I wrote it."
The voice says.
The wooper falls a sleep. Voodoom looks at them "there are 2 books.
one is dark the other is light. they say the light if not destored
will end us. i keep trying to get it." Voodoom looks evil.
Voodoom looks mad "They have the light you fool! I know!" Voodoom
looks mad. Tac looks at Tim "May i read the book as you rest? dont
worry. i will leave it on the your night stand rock after i am
done." Tac looks happy.
Tac sits down next to tim's bed and reads the book. Dash wakes up
but looks really hurt "w-where am i?" Dash looks a little worried.
Voodoom looks puzzled "So wait? if the Book of lost history is not
it then.......... they have the book of darkness. they could end it
like we can end the book of light!" Voodoom looks worried.
"No.." it hissed, "The book of darkness is not what it seems, it is
a half-copy of the book of light, except for the misdirection, I
ordered Greneon to give it to them...secretly that is, and blessed
them with powers, that are curses."
tac sees tim and wakes him up "tim wake up!" Tac looks worried.
Voodoom looks happy "So more then one gift i see. we have 2 all we
need is 3" Voodoom makes a shadow crown
tac looks at tim "You had a nightmare. now lets get you healed."
Tac calls a sableye to come in and use recover next to tim. Tac
checks on Dash and sees she is away. Dash looks mad at ac "So you
took me! you want the book dont you!?!? well you are not getting
it! now tell me where tim is!" Dash looks mad but cant move.
Voodoom giggles "I wont even tell Magic." Voodoom looks evil.
"Now, new orders, find the ghost one, shade, it was, and capture
it, We need it for special purposes that I dont even know."
Greneon hisses, "split up."