Voogloom gos in Tim's dream. Voogloom looks sad "You must fight
this. Voodoom's magic of evil will bring your doom if not brave.
sshe is scary but you can do it. you are step 1 of winning. you
battle her monster here and shwo you are brave and you are the one
true hero. trust me" Voogloom gos in tim and gives him power.
Voodoom finds Shade "maybe because we want you!" Voodoom trys to
turn Shade evil. Tac makes the sableye do the max power recover on
Tim. tac takes tim to Dash "She needs you!" Tacsees dash and she
still looks really mad.
Greneon saw a shadow lugia gjinka, and thought, there, its the
2nd one we needed to get, he sent telepathically, shadow
lugia gjinka in sight, focus on the ghost one, Ill take care of
Tac scratches tim "I am a girl! i just have a boy name......" Tac
looks a little mad. Dash still looks mad "She is lieing! she is not
helping us! she only wants the book! i wont let her fool you!" Dash
still cant move. Voodoom finds alice "Want to join the dark side?"
Voodoom askes first.
Voodoom looks mad "I tryed to be nice but you forced me to!"
Voodoom trys to turn Alice evil. Dash still looks mad "I wont trust
that betrayer!" Dash still cant move.