The Pokemon giggles "You have been here for 1 hour. i know because
my partner has been watching you. that mud is a danger to you now.
bye for now" The Pokemon flees.
tac looks at them "I better help them. no luck in figting them any
more after Magic was turn pure evil" Tac takes them out of the
forest and to a hidden cave of light.
Tac giggles "No but you are hurt badly. i need to help you guys
now. Magic has been turn pure dark so i have no place in her heart
and more. here have some soup. hand made." tac looks happy as she
Tac giggles "It is still with you. i am not a danger any more. my
best friend is lost do to Voodoom and i cant stand it. i will help
you if you help get Magic back. i did just save you 2. Dash has not
waken up yet but she is in a warm bed to try to keep her safe." Tac
gives tim some soup. Outside the cave it starts to snow.
Tac helps tim up "She is in my room. i cant sleep in the cold so
tonight i will e sleeping with her." Tac shows tim Dash and she
looks calmer then she was.
Tac giggles "That is the fun part. you will be sleeping in Magic's
room." tac takes tim to Magic's room and it is illed with steam
from hot water "She lakes hot baths before she gos to sleep." Tac
looks happy.
a woopa jumps out of the water. tac giggles "The woopa love it
here. dont get scared if you find one watching you at night." Tac
walks out of the room. Voodoom smiles "I cant wait for my crown."
Voodoom looks happy