(Ghostgem said I could make some new characters from time to
Username: already known
Pokemon: (Or Trainer) Shadow Lugia gijinka
Name: Darj
Level/Age: age 12
Gender: female
Past: later
A Pokemon Runs Up To Tim "I Know The Way But It Will Cost You. It
Is A Good Deal To Tell The Truth. 1 Thing For The Way Out And That
Girl Not Dieing. Sleeping Here Is Like Asking For Darkria To Take
Your Soul. Staying Here For Long Then A Hour Is The Same. Trust Me.
I Am Your Only Hope Right Now." The Pokemon Dances.
The Pokemon giggles "The Book Would Be Nice. If I Cant Keep It I
Would Love To Read It. Nothing Big As I Dont Work For The Shadows.
The Lost Book Of History Is A True Rare That I Must Read." The
Pokemon Smiles.
The Pokemon giggles and shows Tim the way. as soon as they get
there the Pokemon jumps up on a tree with the book "Good bye good
deal makers. i will leave with the book now" The Pokemon giggles.
The pokemon looks evil "To tell the truth i gave my heart to the
dark side a long time ago. this will make me the best Pokemon they
have. if you want this come and get it!" The Pokemon throws the
book in a lake of mud.