Shade stopped running, panting. Reaper then turned to his normal
pokemon form, and Shade saw him. "Wait... Wait what are you d-" His
voice cut off as Reaper began to posess his mind.
Voogloom comes down and look at Tim "Because my sister Voodoom got
out of the jail i put her in. the lost book of history tells of a
group of heroes that save the world and it is only 3 weeks away
from the day that will happen. you need training" Voogloom crys.
"Woah woah woah I don't even know what's happening and now we have
to fight this person called Voodoom" Tim thinks about their names
and snickers because of their name's resemblance to Voodoo
Voogloom looks sad "You have 3 weeks tell the battle is sayed to
start and dont have to fight her. you have to fight Shadoom. he has
many names but i call him Shadoom. my sister Voodoom calls him the
Ruler Of Shadows. i have hope in you Tim,dash and alice. Bloom will
not be in the fight with you but vs you. she wants the book and now
my sister has turned her pure evil. the bloom you know is gone and
dark bloom is here." Voogloom crys.