Forum Thread
The Lost Book Of History
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Lost Book Of HistoryUsername:GhostGem
Pokemon:Magic Maker/Trainer

Past:She Hides Her Past And Only A Few Know Of It.
Other:She Is Silly,Clever And Evil
Voodoom finds Greneon "Hi. i am back! My brother Voogloom could not keep me locked up for long. i am smarter then him after all" Voodoom makes a clone of her self and it looks at Greneon from behind "I think you can do better greneon." Voodoom giggles. Bloom runs in to a tree and then gets mad "WHEN I AM HURT I YELL AND GET MAD AND NOW I AM MAD AND YELLING!!!!!!!" Bloom kicks the tree and hurts her foot.
Username: XxToothlessXx
Pokemon: Duskull
Name: Reaper
Gender: Boy

Past: He killed his family and tried to steal the book.
Other: He is Evil, Clever, and when he becomes angry, he begins to attack and try to kill everybody around him. If somebody finds him, he acts all cute and innocent, then later on he steals their items.
(You are good)
Reaper turned into a shadow, pretending to be Shades.