Dash runs at Tim making the attack hurt him and herself. Dash looks
calm "Good thing i am not going to feel the full power of that
attack." Dash starts building a wall.
Dash looks mad and runs in ti the wall making it fall and brake
"Tim. we need a better training place. this one is too safe. we
need danger!" Dash smiles.
Dash giggles "It is only a 45% chance and i know the best place
with as little danger. Broken trees tunnel. only danger there is
getting trapped" Dash looks ready to fight.
Darnisk flew to Voodoom in a annoyed manner, "C'mon, our lord isnt
waiting" Darnisk says, "Greneons already heading to the temple."
Then he flew away towards the temple.
(BTW GhostGem, you wont really know where the temple is :3)
Dash smiles starting to run there. Voodoom looks mad "Why should i
care what shadoom needs. evil do not help evil........... is what
some would think. i will come but only to claim my place as Queen
of evil" Voodoom smiles. Bloom looks at them "Lets do it." Bloom
looks like she has lost all fellings.