Categories i wish to apply for:shinies, evo items/form change /
mega or megaables.
Why i Want to apply for These Categories:ive been struggling on
shiny hunt and i want some thiny of my own. and i would like some
awesome mega pokemons on my team
Categories i wish to apply for: shinies, legendary, summoning
Why i Want to apply for These Categories: all i want are shinies
and a legendary pokemon since i dont have them yet
Categories i wish to apply for: 1 ,2 and 3
Why i Want to apply for These Categories: i choose these three
choice because i dont want to loose the prize at any cost
Name: hasilisah
Number: 130
Categories i wish to apply for: 1, 2 and 5
Why i Want to apply for These Categories: 1; im going for the shiny
leafeon cuz its my fav pkmn;3 2; it would be my first mega(able) 5;
im going for the mega stone cuz i want a mega o.o
Name: Aperture-Raika
Number: 147
Categories i wish to apply for: 1, 2, 5
Why i Want to apply for These Categories:
1: I love shiny Gardevoir and Meowstic (female)
2:I love Gardevoir, and if I manage to get a Mega-able one, and
then mega-evolve it, a dream would come true!
5: A Mega Stone is very rare... If I get the Mega Stone but not the
Mega-able... I can trade it for special Gardevoir/Gallade.
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
Name: Suhlienuh
Categories i wish to apply for:1) Shinies, 2)Megas and
Why i Want to apply for These Categories: I actually never got a
shiny pokemon so far and some are just too cute <3 I also only
got 1 mega since today.. So I just hope to get one.. And well..
Everybody loves a legendary ;)
Name: Photon
Number: 89
Categories i wish to apply for: Legendary, Mega-Able
Why i Want to apply for These Categories: I'm seeking a Suicune or
a Shaymin. I need one of these for my team. They are my favorite
Legendaries and I would love to have the chance to receive one of
them them as it is so difficult to try and receive a Legendary on
my own. For the Megas, I also need a Mega Scizor on my team. It
would be great if I could receive that as well; it's just as hard
for me to get as a Legendary.
Name: mgmg
Categories i wish to apply for: shiny,mega,evo stone
Why i Want to apply for : I need a mega stone for my charmander in
my party,shiny gardevoir is my favourite. Mega pokemon for my
battle team and I want to be in the biggest raffle on
Sorry I haven't seen the hash tag .
My favourite anime character 100% same personality with me
Name: BlackStripedPika
Number: 150
Categories i wish to apply for: retro/event
Why i Want to apply for These Categories: I like the old games, and
the old sprites
Name: DerpyHooves218
Number: 135
Catagories I wish to apply for: Retros and Events, or
Why I want to Apply for These Catagories: Im newer here, so Ive
missed tons of events, and only have 2 legandaries... so, Im just
hoping to get some rarer pokemon through this, since Im missing so
Name: ~elizabeth930~
Number: 60 (For what I am in contestants)
Categories i wish to apply for: 1st (shinnies) 2nd (mega's/mega
able's) and 4th (summoning items)
Why i Want to apply for These Categories: I want shinnies and megas
for my collection, and one of my best friends is going to hunt
Rayquaza and Giritaina, so I tend to give her the items I obtain
for her hunts for her!
Name: ArouraNightshade
Number: #57
Categories I wish to apply for: 1.) Shinnies, 2.) Mega's and Mega
Why I want to apply for these categories: I absolutely adore Mega
Gardevoir and the whole Gardevoir family! I am applying in these
categories in the hopes foe a chance at a Shiny festival Ralts and
a Mega able Gardevoir
Name: DarkestFantasy
Number: 64
Categories i wish to apply for: Shiny, Mega And Mega-Ables,
Why i Want to apply for These Categories: Because It Would Be A
MAJOR Help To My Dex :D
Name: XyChrus Number:142 Categories I wish to apply for: Megas and Mega ables,Evo
items,Change form items,Legendaries Why i Want to apply for These Categories:Because I`m love and
collecting mega and legends :)
Categories i wish to apply for:two,four and six categories
Why i Want to apply for These Categories:Prizes are just awesome!
Name: AwesomeDude365
Number: 141
Categories I wish to apply for: shinies, legendaries and items.
Why I want to apply: Because the prizes are fabulous!!!
Name: Aksharsh
Number: 140
Categories i wish to apply for: Mega's and Mega able and sumoning
Why i Want to apply for These Categories: I want a mega venusaur
and a sky pillar map as i don't have these.(Y) (Y)
Name: mifie
Number: 115
Categories i wish to apply for: 2, 3, and 4
Why i Want to apply for These Categories: I wanna have various
legendaries or summoning items. Mega-able Charmeleon X is sweet,
Not Mega-able but kinda rare to hatch a female, huh?...