Forum Thread
[L] Ho Ho Ho! A Christmas Event (Closed)
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L] Ho Ho Ho! A Christmas Event (Closed)
I'm back again for my second holiday event! First being the Trick-or-Treat, now Ho Ho Ho! In this Event, in order to join, you must donate at least one thing, but we will get to that part later on. This is going to be a Secret Santa event! Everyone who joins, will get a present that is provided by the very own PokeHeroes community!~

*All PH rules apply.
*Please subscribe to this thread.
*Use the form to join annd fill it out completely.
--You must donate at least one present to be added to the event. (See "Present Donating" spoiler below.) NEW: You may donate up to 5 things total. Any gems not listed in the donations spoiler, must have more than 5 to be considered.
---Once I contact you through this thread, you will need to send me your donations for holding.
*Be nice! Anyone found to be mean, using bad language, or trying to scam others out of their presents, they will be removed from the event completely.
*Please try not to put more than 5 things on your wishlist. The wishlist is for PH.
*Put the answer to the riddle (in red) at the bottom of the post in the "Other" section so I know you read the rules.
*Have fun!
*Please subscribe to this thread.
*Use the form to join annd fill it out completely.
--You must donate at least one present to be added to the event. (See "Present Donating" spoiler below.) NEW: You may donate up to 5 things total. Any gems not listed in the donations spoiler, must have more than 5 to be considered.
---Once I contact you through this thread, you will need to send me your donations for holding.
*Be nice! Anyone found to be mean, using bad language, or trying to scam others out of their presents, they will be removed from the event completely.
*Please try not to put more than 5 things on your wishlist. The wishlist is for PH.
*Put the answer to the riddle (in red) at the bottom of the post in the "Other" section so I know you read the rules.
*Have fun!
Present Donating

Alright, so in order to be fully
accepted into the event, you need to donate at least one thing to
be used as a present. Since Christmas is the time for sharing, I
thought donating would be the best idea for this. Please state what
you are willing to donate in your form please. Below is a list of
anything and everything you can donate!
* 1k+ PokeDollars
* Pokemon (Ice Type, Shinies, Legendaries, or Events)
* 50+ Nuggets
* 10+ Gems (Ice, Fairy, Dragon would be great)
* Summon Items
* Fossils
* Form-Change Items
* Mystery Boxes
* Mystery Keys
* Rumble Maps (To get Summon Items from)
* Pokemon Vouchers
* Artwork (Any and all artwork that is donated can be universal and already done (would need to be PM'd to me) Please talk to me first if you do not understand OR it could be that once the presents are being exchanged and you know who it is for, you can talk to them and see what they would like)
*Plushies (Just like Artwork, you will need to wait until the presents are being given out. I will tell you who you will be sending it to.)
* 1k+ PokeDollars
* Pokemon (Ice Type, Shinies, Legendaries, or Events)
* 50+ Nuggets
* 10+ Gems (Ice, Fairy, Dragon would be great)
* Summon Items
* Fossils
* Form-Change Items
* Mystery Boxes
* Mystery Keys
* Rumble Maps (To get Summon Items from)
* Pokemon Vouchers
* Artwork (Any and all artwork that is donated can be universal and already done (would need to be PM'd to me) Please talk to me first if you do not understand OR it could be that once the presents are being exchanged and you know who it is for, you can talk to them and see what they would like)
*Plushies (Just like Artwork, you will need to wait until the presents are being given out. I will tell you who you will be sending it to.)
Professor_Joe & Furret are the Event Helper. They can accept trades, and controls the thread along side of me.
All Presents and Participants can be found here
Sign-ups are closed.
Presents will be given out starting around December 23th, 2014.
Advertise The Event!

"Who gives presents to baby sharks?"
"Santa Jaws!"

Present You Are Donating:Derpatung, 50k PD, Sandwebble
Your Wish List:
*A social life xD
*5k PD
*Shiny Absol
*Happiness :3
Other:hai! Santa Jaws!
Username: Eeveelution8
Present You Are Donating: 2 Water Stones, 2 Fire Stones, 1 Thunder Stone and a Vanillite
Your Wish List:
* Gems, specifically Ice
* Nuggets
Other:Santa Jaws
Username: ANinja
Present You Are Donating: Fairy gem, Ice gem, 10k PD
Your Wish List:
*Any amount of PD
*A shiny
*Pokemon voucher
*Furrets :3
*Friends :D
Other: Santa Jaws

Cynnamon's Sprites <3 CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen
50small nuggets and a giratina:
Your Wish List:
Santa Jaws:
I'm on the nice list, Nova!
Username: Lucrecia
Present You Are Donating:50 small nuggets and a giratina
Your Wish List:
Other:santa jaws
Username: Star_Savior_Dragon
Present You Are Donating: 2 Star Piece, 1 Cover Fossil, I Shiny Magikarp Plushie
Your Wish List:
*Rumble Maps
*Gems(Flying and Normal)
Other: Please Pal Pad me for the the items/plushies Santa Jaws
Star Savior, alright, so you are accepted as well XD set up the GTS trades, but for the Plushie, you will need to wait until when presents are being given out. I will tell you the user you will be sending it to. (:

Username: GlaciaSnow
Present You Are Donating: Megable Charizard (Once I get it >.<)
Your Wish List: (still adding)
* Dragon gems
* Nuggets to extend my premium a little
* a shiny
* Sky Pillar Maps
* Emeralds
Other: Santa Jaws
X || Link Dump || Shiny Giratina Hunt
Art made by Navuso
Username: Furret
Present(s) I am donating: x2 Fire Stone, x2 Leaf Stone, x2 Water Stone, x1 Thunderstone, x1 Metal Coat, x1 Weather Balloon, x2 Pink Boxes, x2 Light Blue Boxes, x2 Purple Keys, x1 Resolute Stone, a Raikou (I will be adding more as I get some new things c; )
My Wishlist:
*Enigma Stones
*Gems (Dragon)
*My Boyfriend //sigh
Other: Santa Jaws~ ((rawr :F))
Username: JudJud
Present You Are Donating:
*Autumn Kadabra
*2 Espurr's (female & male)
*Shiny Stone
*5k PD
*5 fighting Gems
Your Wish List:
*Retro Starter voucher
*Dragon Gems
*Star Pieces
*Rumble Maps
*Girseous Orb
( Sorry it is so long :( :,( )
Other:"Santa Jaws!"