Sure I can do that. (Y)
..but you're asking for 400 fire gems not 400 grass gems. xD
I definitely don't have 400 fire gems. . -.;
wifi chances are off and on so you have time to fix it and
There's going be a lot delaying in these trades I know..
Lame internet provider. >~>
NovaSplitz: It's totally fine. I've exchanged you all 400
gems while i'm scrambling to use the wifi right now. xD
I dunno...internet is fine but for some reason my dad's being
greedy and turns it off and on only when he uses it. like, wtf how
am I suppose to live like this...anyways. Which means you'll have
to send the PD sooner or later regardless if i'm off or on. since
we're rarely on at the same time. lol.
Tm69: (Y)
Set up the gem exchange for 100 dark gems, i'll offer on it, and
sooner or later you gift the PD.
Doesn't manner what you gem you toss at me. .u.
Nova' : Well im sure I will when I get 100 of them at least.
Grass and dark ones most likely since silent forest is my highest
rumble level...which I tell myself means I'll find keys and.boxes
easy. xD
Thank you for your business~
Ooh I don't have a Female Shiny at the moment but I should have no
problem hatching it.
Would you mind waiting a little so I could hatch one for you? ^w^
I have no problem waiting. I want her to be mega-able too
I'll put your name on it, on the front page so I don't forget and
people don't offer on it. n un
Don't worry about it. I can hold my horses for a few days..since no
wi-fi when I want.
But, I got MineCraft to distract me from the disaster. lol xD
I've offered my map to your piranha, Thank you very much for the
soon to be pink sharky~
Looking for water gems until I get a shiny Magikarp. extra megas still be for sell I only got one so..doubt it
i'll get another one.
I don't have a premium so, I get a shiny and it all ends.
Last chance for you to trade me a shiny that I want/need before I
pick one, probably the male, and send it to the wonder trade.
Which is where the other weedle went. One was trading off thread.