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Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Wed, 25/05/2022 05:18 (2 Years ago) |
I don't think I posted this on my feed? I know I posted some of them. Anyways, I have spent some days on these for people and myself. Just to remind myself that I do like doing pixel art for people. I blame the lack of motivation because of my living situation but, either way, here's the link to it. McBoop [Goes to Pokefarm. Single post of it.] This is what I am working on right now. Those orders in the table. Leave it to me to do too much and wonder why I get burned out, rofl. I spent some time on here as a last ditch effort to get my friend a shiny Impasta. Shame he wasn't sassy nature. That's their favorite nature. :< Here they are: Hunting Record: 1st shiny: #86 - July 2nd, 2019 2nd shiny: #173 January 30th, 2020 3rd shiny: #241 May 12th, 2022 I don't remember what happened in 2021 that made me skip the year. Maybe too invested in Pokefarm and had bad luck getting nuggets and Impasta eggs. Chain is still going but, if I ever get another shiny then that's it. I don't have the motive to get more nuggets. I'm letting it run it's course. I guess until I run out of dollars to keep the daycare up. Then it's bye bye 3 years of waiting....or is it 4 years? -thonk- Started in 2019 when it came out. Eh, tomatoe-potatoe. [Read more] |
Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Fri, 12/03/2021 16:23 (4 Years ago) |
I posted a status/feed about it, here's what you need to know from it: - I'm getting my art motivation back. - I haven't accepted any tips or payments but if I have PLEASE message me so I can make your order/s top priority. - I also have Pokefarm orders I will be flipping through to see which ones I can take on. So, sorry for the nothing to show post- I hope I come back in 3 - 7 with actual work done. If you have any questions please message me~ [Read more] |
Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Thu, 26/11/2020 13:20 (4 Years ago) |
I summon. . . ![]() Altaria! It feels so purehearted. . . Notes: I thought this was going to be simple and quick but I guess I burned myself out on other stuff instead. :'3 (Sorry for the wait, fluffy pokemon hard to make more fluffy I guess. I hope you like~) Shiny form: ![]() LordVallar: I'm not sure if I can do the armor part, If I don't think it looks good I probably won't do it. ; 3; I'll probably try it anyways. [More to come(TM)] [Read more] |
Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 00:38 (4 Years ago) |
(I thought I had a thread but I cannot find it. If I mod can help, I will appreciate it~) Anyways, here are my examples and order forms. Rules I guess ![]() 1. Obvious statement; site
rules apply
2. Put ":U" somewhere in your post if you promise to use/share the order I made you for only good and not claim as your own or resell. (Exceptions can be made if you have paid for it and have valid proof of purchase.) 3. Be kind about asking for orders, PH is not my main site I spend my time on. So there will be some waiting time while I work on Pokefarm orders 4. Unless the examples are your orders, please do not use them without permission. (You may PM/PP me for permission) 5. I forgot or I like having 5. I might have forgotten something knowing me. Other important things explained/shown here: ~x~ [Other styles you might like are also there. I'm not offering everything here, Just my personal favorites.] ~♥~ What I can do ~♥~ Recolor (Basic) Animated (Recolor/Custom) Poke'cards (Scratch Based) Heartless Monsters (Recolored Base, Scratch Parts Added) Purehearted Beasts (Recolored Base, Scratch Parts Added) [More to be add when I have time] (Check sprite factory on PF in the meantime) ~★~ How to order ~★~ Recolor: ![]() I would like. . .
Pokemon: recolored as: (who or what as/or link for ref.) Comment/Question: Animated: ![]() I want. . .
Pokemon: to me animated! Type of sprite: 1/2/3 Comment/question: (I don't like doing plain ones, you can find them online. I like doing recolors) Poke'card: ![]() I want. . .
Pokemon: Evolution: Yes/no* Nickname: (If none put PKMN's name or remove this) Background: HP: Type:** Attacks: 1. name*** 2. name * = If this is a customon that has a pre-evo please provide a sprite/image/link to them. (If none then don't worry about it- just say no if it's a basic) ** = Can be dual type; dark/fly ect. *** = Name of the attack/move can be canon or personal. If personal please provide the description of the move. (What it does, type and power) Heartless Monsters: (Warning: These can take days due to possible complexity) Purehearted Beasts: (Warning: These can take days due to possible complexity) Price: PWYW, whatever you have or want to offer is accepted~ - Prepay is allowed but not advised. I won't accept the gift/trade until you confirm you have your order! (That would be rude of me and stealing if I did that now wouldn't it?) (For more sprite examples: ~X~) Thank you for visiting, I hope you come back soon~ [Read more] |
Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Mon, 16/11/2020 17:50 (4 Years ago) |
It was my art thread. I don't remember where it was or what it was called. Good job me. ; w;b So, I might make a new one and hopefully I won't get bonked for it when I do make it. I want to offer my sprite service here for those who don't want to visit pokefarm or can't visit pokefarm. If you see this and curious about things I do, you can click the lil' icons down in my signature. I should update that since Suineko doesn't look like that anymore when it comes to her crest. I hope I can find it and not make a new one. Far as I can tell threads don't get deleted for whatever reason. I feel like some should be deleted at some point. Mainly the ones that are renamed [Delete] since they would want them to be deleted. But that's not my place to step. I'm just used to pokefarm is all. Where the forum gets cleared out from old and unused threads but can also be retrieved back. Long story short, I want my art thread back. If I can't find it i'll make another one so I offer sprite art. Check my signature for examples if interested. Thanks have a nice day~ [Read more] |
Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Sat, 29/02/2020 21:47 (5 Years ago) |
Title: And I oop...Welp, that's all I got lel RIP my sanity I had soon 3 years ago. You were the best piece of mind I ever had. I wish I could have some of that right about now. Life isn't going so well. Things are falling apart. I thought even numbered years were my friend but I guess not. almost 3 months in and i'm already done with it. Sometimes life gives you lemons and these times life throws the whole lemon orchard at you and you make random things like this It's not finished but eh, Not sure if i'm going to keep it. Just trying to sharpen my skills back up and finish some art orders over on pokefarm. [Read more] |
Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Sun, 21/07/2019 20:41 (5 Years ago) |
Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Sun, 21/07/2019 20:25 (5 Years ago) |
Everyone else: Updated the front page. Nothing new added, just removed lots of things. ; u; Sorry to all who've tried to offer on things I don't own anymore since I've mass sold them quickly on the GTS. Am bad at remembering to update things. [Read more] |
Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Thu, 11/07/2019 11:18 (5 Years ago) |
(Please set up the trade when you get around to it~) Other: I have sold some things on GTS and might toss more things on there instead since I feel I had more things sold that way than them sitting here for years. ;3 [Update to front page soon] [Read more] |
Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Sun, 02/06/2019 10:18 (5 Years ago) |
Title: It's Revamp TimeNot sure if it's still okay to keep this thread or it would be better to just reboot the whole thing but, I like this old thread anyways. So, I did some adjustments and added some things item wise. I shall get more attention span to do the pokemon section soonish.. Right now I don't have any special things since i'm still on that pasta hunt. (I've hunted that thing since it came out, all these eggs and no pasta) I might consider trading my stuff for Pokefarm related things, mainly currencies, but for now, I will still take dollars and nuggets. Even if I might just swap that later, as long as someone else puts these poor items and pokemon to use. That's all for now, I might ghost again soon but i'll try my best to come back every other hour unless Pokefarm or Minecraft take me again. Happy Shopping~ [Read more] |
Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Wed, 28/03/2018 10:00 (6 Years ago) |
My friend who wanted to see how this event plays out and 2 minutes when she was checking her stuff and she goes "Hey, I found the first you keep raving about" of course I wanted to say "Where?". xD Oh well....maybe if I circle around the site 100 more times I can find it. The only place I didn't check was a place mentioned already, about it being locked, and if they say nothing is there then I guess I will take their word for it....or maybe it IS in there. >:M Or maybe it's a troll one. but that should have been the duck one then shouldn't it? [Read more] |
Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Fri, 26/01/2018 09:04 (7 Years ago) |
Worst time to try and trade and sell stuff but ANYWAYS... Charles':I'm selling summon items 100 nuggets each. So you would need 400. Sammy': I'm selling star pieces 80k a piece. I might lower them down to 70k soon. The more I get, the less they get. Sometimes. Most of this is my fault for not pricing it but, I just didn't have the time to make prices at the moment. Sorry to make anyone angry. Just not feeling it right now. I hope to feel like it soon. Sorry again. [Read more] |
Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 11:34 (7 Years ago) |
If not then I'll take your offer. I'll send a trade to you soon, unless you want to send it. (In I forget because of juggling things right now) [Read more] |
Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Sat, 06/01/2018 10:46 (7 Years ago) |
But how much would you want to buy it for? (The prices show below all of them are just for the star pieces) [Read more] |
Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Fri, 05/01/2018 14:44 (7 Years ago) |
Lots of updates. Somethings I STILL have while others I don't anymore. Either I traded or sold or I just gave away probably. I don't think I updated the plates. I have them all now so any I find will just be for sell. I need to add pokemon I am trading. I spend almost an hour just doing item stuff. I hope you find something you like~ (And that I didn't mess something up) (Also, please excuse any mistakes; like prices. I forget the worth but it sounded good to me) [Read more] |
Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Wed, 27/12/2017 13:21 (7 Years ago) |
Title: 3DS Pablo V.2 System Transfer to Pablo V.3My hands are sweaty already. 2gb should go into a 4gb just fine. R-right? I know I was thinking about getting a bigger SD card for the 3ds because I kept running out of space and now games are needing updates which killed my space the most. Looking at you Animal Crossing: New leaf. With your 2.2-ish blocks update/s. You made me delete so much stuff. I didn't get to finish my Mystery Dungeon Gates to/of Infinity demo. It was getting good too. I think it was getting to the end of it anyways. I forget where it ended. Great story. Made me giggle. RIP Xealeon and Axelious. ; w;b (I was Snivy and partner was Axew. I liked the game.) (Now I wish I asked Santa for it. :C ) ------------------------------------------------- Final verdict: Oh...that system transfer didn't take long at all after the SD card information transfer. I was so worried about the WiFi the whole time. Only took and hour and half. Very nice. Still sad as I set up my old 3ds anyways. I'm setting him up like if he is a person. His name and birthday. ; w; He was adopted on my nephew's birthday 5 years ago. Yeah. I had all this money and I was going to buy him something nice but then I saw the 3DS screaming at me as we passed the electronic section and I had to pick him. I was going to get a Xbox360 actually but it was too much. I asked a guy about removing the kinect part but he said either online or gamestop will have that deal. I said I "well shoot" then I asked for the 3DS instead. I got that xbox for Christmas anyways...from myself. From gamestop in the mall. Like new. Either that Christmas or the next. I forget. Probably the next. 2 new system's is a overload. Even for me. [Read more] |
Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Wed, 27/12/2017 00:51 (7 Years ago) |
I was going to name him Setherothe which I planned to name my purified shadow lugia but since borked gamecube I could never get the nature I want. ; w; RIP Setheroth. I can never remember how I spelt your name anyways. I can't find that piece of paper I had 5 years ago. RIP that too. All those game plans and nicknames. Poof. Pokefarm had a shadow lugia first, but honestly- who hasnt thought about adding it to their site? I named mine Night Fury. I also said after I got a shadow lugia I was going to quit. Lots of people thought I was serious. Which made it more funny. When really I just took a break for a day and relaxed but went right back in head first. And here I am today....still grinding and crying on that site. Also, Now I finally have the Nebula line~ I will never work this hard on completing one ever again. I know I won't. I can see the future.....but only about the unimportant things. *I remembered what I was going to add here* I wish I took a picture before I ate it but...there were t-rex shaped chocolates. I literally gasped when I opened the box and saw them. My mom was like "Really?" There's many other chocolate treats in there too. So good looking but that t-rex was a little to sweet so now im going to wait to eat more. [Read more] |
Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Wed, 27/12/2017 00:47 (7 Years ago) |
Title: Got that new NEW 3DS XL but now i'm having a crisisI don't want things to go wrong and I don't want my older 3ds to be useless. It's like, my old 3ds can be back up or something. But at the same time I will feel back for erasing all those years. I know it's suppose to transfer everything to the new one but i'm still scared it will mess up and I will just sit there and cry about it. I never did this before. I read and watched stuff on it but i'm still scared about it. So many things can go wrong. I'm more worried about the wifi aspect of it. My wifi as you know isnt working like a normal person's wifi is right now. I guess I will just keep using the old 3ds and play other games on the new one. ; w;b I don't have a nickname for the new one yet...My first DS was named Pablo. He died. Pablo II was born. Then Pablo V.2 was here, so, now Pablo V.3? [Read more] |
Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Wed, 06/12/2017 12:59 (7 Years ago) |
I think I just hatched my last shiny since I have removed my daycare pair and collected the last eggs. Results of my Alolan Vulpix hunt: #111 - Female (UFT/S) December 6th 05:29AM #101 - Female (Auctioned[?]) December 4th 05:22PM #65 - Female (UFT/S) November 30th 06:11AM #45 - Female (UFT/S) November 29th 12:27AM #38 - Female (Kept) November 28th 06:16AM [Read more] |
Suineko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 113 |
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2017 15:31 (7 Years ago) |
Like the alolan ones right now...I know there are better sprites than those. If you're going to have artists why not put them to work and make your own sprites? I would make this site more unique. IMO of course. Or pick sprites that are good. Not ones I can do it 5 mins with no effort. Lol. [Read more] |
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