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~ Savvy & Scumble RP ~ Semi-Lit, Open & Accepting

Forum-Index Roleplay ~ Savvy & Scumble RP ~ Semi-Lit, Open & Accepting
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Wed, 26/11/2014 03:21 (9 Years ago)
(Bastion's one of the few people who isn't off his rocker, as it would seem. XD)

Cheshire woke with a start, momentarily seeming about to have a panic attack. His forehead promptly connected with something hard, and he groaned. It's been a while since I've bumped into anything, he thought. He rubbed the sore spot on his head whilst trying to recollect his thoughts. The last thing he remembered was having a strange sensation come over him, sort of like the kind one gets when feeling lightheaded enough to pass out.

Usually Cheshire wasn't the type of person to panic while they wake up, but perhaps it was due to the fact that his surroundings had changed. There was a girl standing over him, watching him. Her expression seemed a bit...off...to Cheshire. A tiny red flag was raised in the back of his mind. Was she the one who moved him here? There were two scenarios that Cheshire pictured happening from before: either someone, the savvy girl from before perhaps, had knocked him out somehow and this girl had rescued him, or this girl had kidnapped him by some means from out of nowhere. Either way, his head hurt and he tried not to think about anything to much.

"How did I get here?" He asked the girl, resorting to asking simple questions.

(#Cheshigan #Partners in Crime 030)

Bastion's cheeks flushed slightly as Blix pulled him close. He probably wouldn't admit it to many people, but this was actually the first time he's been that close to a girl before. Or anyone, in fact. He usually distance himself so far from everybody that no one ever wanted to talk to him. And when someone did get close, he'd push them away.

Not only that, but he'd just never had any particular interest in girls. He had never even asked a girl on a date before, for a number of reasons. The first being that he had zero interest in dating, the second being that he'd never thought that there were any girls who would like him.

He helped Blix lift the unconscious boy onto the couch. Bastion grabbed his legs while Blix grabbed his arms. Hopefully the kid would wake up soon, he almost felt kind of bad for him, getting knocked out like that.

It wasn't long before Blix was rattling off questions again. Does she ever calm down? he wondered. She probably even asked questions in her sleep, for all he knew.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Wed, 26/11/2014 13:36 (9 Years ago)
(Tis true XD)

Morrigan grinned, tilting her head a bit to the left. "I brought you here, silly!" She smiled. "Now Cheshire, how do you like your pancakes? I have maple syrup if you like~" Finally, Morrigan's dreams were coming true! It was just her and Cheshire, all alone in this big old house. She wondered if Cheshire prefered to be called Chris instead.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Wed, 26/11/2014 15:57 (9 Years ago)
(Pff sure Omnia)

"Yes it is, but he sucks at scumbling, he claims to be bored and follows me around and he's my cousin. He jumped through a window with me when we were getting out of the fire that killed the rest of our family," Robin answered before Matthew had a chance.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Wed, 26/11/2014 19:04 (9 Years ago)
"Nuuuuu! That's so sad!" Blix cried out, glomping Matthew. "I'm so sorry what happened!" She said, her voice muffled by Matthew's shirt. "Oh wait, I know what would be great to lighten the mood 'round here!" She dug in her bag, pulling out a gigantic sack of candy. "I don't even know how I manage to fit so much stuff in here." She said, dumping a large amount of sugary treats on the coffee table. "Now everybody gets to help themselves!"
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Thu, 27/11/2014 22:48 (9 Years ago)
Both Matthew and Robin darted forward, grabbed handfuls of candy, and stuffed them in their pockets, almost emptying the table of candy. "Whoops, did anyone else want candy?" Robin asked.

Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 20:43 (9 Years ago)
((Exams are over. Now to avoid Omnia's wrath for not posting for a week... I'm sorry!))

Aran simply sighed and threaded his left hand through his hair. "He came to me of his own free choice. There is just so much that you don't know about that is going on. Well, we can't let you figure out one of our bases, so we'll need to... take a few precautions. Chesire, can you....?" he asked, posture slumped slightly and a flash of weariness appeared, before straightening back up and turning to face Chesire.

"Hm? Great, he's disappeared," he mumbled to himself before pulling out a grey device and speaking into it. "Lumo, are you there?" 'Yes sir.' "Get back here at once. I need you to escort a girl back to base. She has my protection while at base, and don't let her near the labs. I'm still in the same place as last time you saw me. Actually, while you're at it, get Chesire. Tell him to meet me in room 324," he spoke clearly into the walkie-talkie, 'labs' meaning anything to do with savvies.


'Lumo' had only gotten back to the base and handed the little girl to the 'Child' facility manager when a message came through an earpiece, which it put on.

'Lumo, are you there?' "Yes sir," it responded immediately he was taught. 'Get back here at once. I need you to escort a girl back to base. She has my protection while at base, and don't let her near the labs. I'm still in the same place as last time you saw me. Actually, while you're at it, get Chesire. Tell him to meet me in room 324. "Understood, sir," it said in a monotone voice, before changing frequencies to Chesire's.

"Chesire, come in. Chesire, do you read me?" he began, unsure of a responce as it wasn't sure if he had his communication earpiece with him. "Chesire, are you there?" he asked again while travelling back out to 'Warden's' location.


Misalia felt like she was swimming through a swamp. Her vision was black but she was slowly coming back to her senses. "Urgh, where am I?" she moaned, not expecting some-one to reply. "Oh, you're finally awake!" came an overly-cheerful, 'Definitely a female one' whispered her brain', voice.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 20:56 (9 Years ago)
Morrigan smiled, Cheshire's communication piece in her hand. Currently she was in the kitchen, flipping pancakes in the pan as she waited for Cheshire to answer her question. He seemed a bit stunned at the moment, probably from the shock of waking up in an unfamiliar place. "Sorry," she said into the earpiece, "But Cheshire's not here right now, so don't be sure about hearing from him again~" she said in a sing-song voice as she crushed the earpiece in her hand, dusting the shards of metal and plastic into the trash.

(creepy stalker mode, ACTIVATE!)
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Sat, 29/11/2014 14:55 (9 Years ago)

Mattie had bounced right back up to her feet when she had been mysteriously pushed to the ground. She extended her senses through the air, feeling around for energy trails. She had long since learned how to discern savvy energy from natural energy emitted from the human body. She was first stunned at the fading pulse of energy that seemed to slip through the wind. "Definitely that white-haired guy's energy," She decided.

Now she was even more surprised at the rapid beat of a human heart whispering through the atoms. Furrowing her brow, she glanced around, seeing that Chris had disappeared. She could barely make out the two energy trails that called out to her, as they were quickly fading away.

Mattie quickly snapped to attention when Aran finally spoke again, her guard coming back up. Her senses were drastically higher than that of a normal human. It probably came with her savvy package, but Mattie wasn't complaining when she easily overheard Aran's conversation.

"Tell Lumo, whoever that is, that he ought to turn off the chloroform air-conditioning, deactivate the button-triggered shackles in the backseat, and remove the syringe installed in the passenger's seat. Don't think I haven't been keeping record of how you subdue your victims. And Chris, Cheshire, or Mr. Traitor's been taken by another savvy person. I can sense their energies fading away in the air," Mattie stated blankly as she slid her knives back into her sleeves.

Rhine shrugged carelessly. She didn't like candy that much, and besides, she'd already had some chocolate. "Invisibility? That's cool. My savvy consists of seeing stupid visions, bending reality, and some other things that are crazier but not really important," She commented dryly.

With a closer look at Matthew, Rhine decided he was a little cute despite what Robin said.

[Ehhh, tis short. q-q]

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sun, 30/11/2014 23:50 (9 Years ago)
[I forgot to tell you that I would be out of town without internet, sorry guys. XD]

Cheshire didn't know whether to laugh or scream. This girl was certainly insane. He was about to air-travel away, when the pleasant aroma of pancakes drifted under his nose. His instincts screamed at him to leave, but his logic told him that if this girl kidnapped him once, she could probably do it again, even as elusive as he was.

Besides, this girl knew his name, and had stolen his earpiece as it would happen. He ought to figure out more about her, and why she was so obsessed with him... But most of it was the pancakes. Earlier in the day, when he'd gotten a notice about an area that might contain savvies, he thought it would be a quick in-and-out, and then he could get started on breakfast. Using his abilities, especially the air-travel, tended to make him rather...hungry. In fact, he doubted he'd make it even a mile before passing out somewhere, and the way his stomach was growling, he didn't know if he could make an accurate landing in his apartment. I don't think ahead for one day, and everything takes a turn for the worst. Just my luck.

With a low sigh, he walked into the kitchen, which wasn't as dilapidated as he had thought. The stove was apparently working, as the crazy girl had started making pancakes. "Light golden brown, if you really wanna know. And..." he paused, but a particularly loud stomach rumble egged him on, "did you say you had syrup?" He hated himself for trusting the girl, but she didn't seem to be all that hostile. At least, to him.

Bastion swiped a small candy bag from the table. It had the sour sugar-coated kind of candies in it, his favorite.

"It's okay guys," he said, "I just want a little bit." He ripped open the bag and popped a few candies into his mouth, sucking off the sour coating before chewing the sweet part.

"So, you said you can bend reality and stuff?" He said to Rhine while leaning against a chair. "How does that work, exactly? And like, what kind of visions do you get?" He knew that savvies came in many forms, he just had never seen many savvies in action. His family didn't have very many relatives, at least that lived near them, so he'd never seen very many savvies except for those of his parents and the few relatives that they visited.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Mon, 01/12/2014 00:02 (9 Years ago)
[Pffft, tis fine.]

Rhine's eyes scanned the room, and with a snap of her fingers, the coffee table which held the few candies which were left began to do the can-can. "Like that," She said as the table did a little twirl, almost spilling the candies. "For now I can only distort the layers of reality temporarily, but everyone in my family says it'll become permanent as I learn to scumble it. As for the visions - well, some are as hilarious as comedy reality shows, and some basically talk about World War Three," Her face seemed to darken considerably at the last few words.

"Anyway," Rhine started, trying to veer off the subject of her visions, "what's your savvy?" She asked warily.

Bastion didn't seem like one who would have an active savvy like making things explode, so Rhine concluded that he had a passive one, but definitely powerful. He had the air of power being concealed, one could note.


Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Mon, 01/12/2014 00:18 (9 Years ago)
"Well, mine kind of works similar to yours, I guess. I can do stuff like tables and chairs, but I mainly like to do this..." he pulled out his sketchbook, and flipped it open to a pencil drawing of his neighborhood's stray cat. Bastion held the book out flat, like a waiter handling a tray, and put his free hand on the drawing. He made a pulling motion as if pulling on a string, and the cat sprang to life from the paper as if from a pop-up book. It arched its back, hissed, and jumped to the floor. Its eyes stared at Bastion for a moment, before deciding that it liked Blix better, and it proceeded to rub itself on Blix's legs and purr.

"I can bring things to life, even from pictures and paintings. But let's just say that there's a reason I used a cat as an example. Once I accidentally brought a picture of a car to life in my bedroom, and it kinda fell on top of a lot of stuff, including my bed. I was sleeping on the floor for months after that." He tried to coax the cat back over to him, and failed miserably. He loved animals, but they hated him.

"I hope none of you are allergic to cats, things I bring to life don't tend to go away for at least a few hours. I...don't really know how to make them go away on my own."

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Mon, 01/12/2014 00:23 (9 Years ago)
Morrigan grinned, looking non-insane at that moment. She happily pulled open the fridge, keeping it propped open with her foot while she flipped over one of the pancakes, snatching a plastic container of maple syrup from inside the door. She shut the fridge and proceeded to dump the pancakes onto a plate, drizzling maple syrup over them in a wavy pattern. "So," she said, setting the plate of pancakes on the table, pulling up a plastic chair, "Do you prefer being called Chris, or Cheshire?"

Blix was scooping large chunks of crushed smarties into her mouth when her ears perked up at the words "bend reality". "Hey, you're the girl that dad was looking for!" she exclaimed, pointing at Rhine. She was quickly entranced by the cat popping out of the paper, immediately shifting into a cat herself. Thus, Blix greeted the fellow feline in a kitty-like fashion, making a new friend in the process.

(*is casually slow at posting*)
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Mon, 01/12/2014 00:30 (9 Years ago)
Rhine admired the newly-born paper cat for a moment before turning her attention to Blix-cat. "Your dad was looking for me?" She asked, alarmed. Almost immediately, the table stopped moving and flashed back into its original position. The ground seemed to quiver like jelly at Rhine's anxiousness.

"And you'll learn to scumble that sooner or later. Experience is the best teacher. Believe me, I've astral projected in my sleep more times than I can count..." She assured Bastion.

She turned her attention back to Blix, waiting for her fears to be confirmed. "Oh, please..don't let Mike's sacrifice be in vain," A voice in the corner of her mind pleaded. "Nor Isaiah's..."

Rhine failed to notice that her hand seemed to be flickering in and out of existence, her anxiety causing her savvy to go haywire.

[WHY MUST YOU BE SO SHORT DAMN YOU RP BLOCK -throws sparkly popcorn in frustration-]

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Mon, 01/12/2014 00:45 (9 Years ago)
Blix looked up, glanced at Rhine's flickering hand, and shifted back to her normal form, grabbing Rhine's hand. "Rhine," she said in a strangely cold voice, "Calm down." For a moment, Blix's face seemed devoid of all emotion, her eyes blank and shining. Data was running through Blix's mind, data stolen from the laboratory computers. She squeezed her eyes shut, clearing out all thoughts of that forsaken place. "Be calm Blix, be calm." she thought, reasserting her cheerful persona, clearing away all thoughts of her cold, collected self as she dropped to her knees. "Aw geeze, major headache."
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Mon, 01/12/2014 01:21 (9 Years ago)
Rhine backed away from Blix slowly, her eyes wide. That voice that had spoken...it wasn't Blix's. And her face had such a strange expression. Rhine dropped to the floor as her eyes glowed and the visions broke through once more, gleefully taking advantage of her anxiety and fear.

Data...labs...torture...Warden...who...? Lumo...

"No!" "G-get away!" "Run for it!"

"You can only delay what is to come..."

"I'm not leaving you!" "You have to!" "Never." [BLIXTON! AHAHAHAHAH]

"Come and have a go...that is if you think you're hard enough!"

"It was never...meant to be like this." [cough Aran cough]

"Tick tock...goes the clock...one more moment past and gone, run run little hon..."

"An innocent life or the world. Choose."

"Power level unstable!" "Let me take control!" "N-no, she's escaping! Aagh..."

"For even the silence has a voice."

"Matthew! Move it!" "B-but the others!"

"Matilda!" "MOM! NO! LET GO OF ME!"

"Rhine, sweetie...take the keys and run." "I can't leave you here!" "You have to. You and the other children...you're the only hope left."

The visions and the words and the voices blurred, giving Rhine a massive headache. Past, present, and future all forced into one delicate mind - it was all too much. Rhine let out a strangled cry as there was a hot feeling behind her eyes. All that energy, all that information.

"For knowledge is a dangerous thing, and should be treated likewise."

And purple beams shot out of those dark eyes, scorching the floor.

[No, I'm not giving her laser eye powers. Let's call it OCCASIONALLY discharging too much enegy when her visions kind of blow up inside her.]

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Mon, 01/12/2014 01:53 (9 Years ago)
Bastion nearly dropped his candy when Rhine's energy lasers scorched the floor not too far from his feet. That can't be good for the floor, he almost muttered out loud. [Howl's Moving Castle ref XP]

"Rhine, are you okay? Don't tell me...was it one of those 'World War Three' visions? I can get you some water if that would help." Worry crossed his face. What could she possibly have seen? Was it really that bad? And the purple eye beam could not have been a good sign.

(Meh, short post before I go to bed. :P)

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Mon, 01/12/2014 03:12 (9 Years ago)
Rhine blinked rapidly, her form flickering in and out of existence. "Is everything supposed to be yellow? I like yellow. Why is everything yellow? And everything's upside down? Blix, why are you a horse? Is it supposed to be spinning?" Rhine got up, turned a few times on the spot dizzily, before dropping back to the floor, landing on her back.

"Is there supposed to be flying kittens with cookie halos in the air?" Rhine asked, clearly hallucinating.

The ground she was lying on became see-through for a few seconds before returning to normal. The lights in the room began to flicker on and off as Rhine's savvy slowly went haywire. Nearby furniture began to rattle and shake as if someone was jumping on them. "Oh, look. Is that sparkling popcorn raining from the ceiling?"

[I couldn't help it XD]

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Mon, 01/12/2014 04:27 (9 Years ago)
"HOLY MOTHER OF FUDGE!" Blix cried out as purple lasers blasted into the floor. She jumped back, a pair of gigantic white wings involuntarily bursting from her back, spattering droplets of blood across the floor. Blix confusedly soared through the air before crashing into a wall, her bloodstained wings crumpling up a bit on landing. "Aw jeeze, not this whole stupid thing again. It's gonna be a pain to get rid of these things!" Blix said in dismay as she stood up, straightening out her wings. She turned to see Rhine flickering for some reason, so she walked over, pulled out one of her feathers, and proceeded to tickle the end of Rhine's nose with it.
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Tue, 02/12/2014 01:20 (9 Years ago)
Rhine blinked, then started to giggle. "S-sto- Aaachoo!" She sneezed, blowing the feather away. Her dark eyes were unnervingly unfocused, and were roaming everywhere. Her entire form continued to flicker, and the ground kept being see-through.

"Why are you an angel? Don't angels have halos? Where's your sparkles and halos?" A clearly delirious Rhine asked the winged Blix.

A nearby lightbulb exploded in a shower of glass, not being able to take the distortion Rhine was causing. The furniture continued to creak loudly as Rhine's eyes rolled up to her head, creepily showing the whites.

[Stillneedtoupdaterecapfivoefb ve oh and Rhine just passed out.]

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 02/12/2014 01:27 (9 Years ago)
Blix sighed, her mind flickering between her logical and cheerful personas, before settling on logic. She hoisted Rhine over her shoulder and dumped her on the couch before flicking back to cheerful Blix. "How are we gonna fix this?" Blix mumbled as she rubbed her head, trying to dig up some recollection of what was going on. For her, it seemed like she was jumping between consciousness and sleep, black spots appearing in her memory. She payed these no heed, as her friend was in trouble. "Rhine, hey, are ya dead?" Blix asked, poking her unconscious companion gently in the forehead.