Forum Thread
Get Tp for Rumbling.
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Get Tp for Rumbling.So, I guess you guys already know by the title.
I, or maybe 'we' want to get Tp (trainerpoints) through rumbling. Each level gained increases the chances of getting trainerpoints. The chances are low at first, but the more the level of the map, the higher the chances for some reason.
Some questions I made
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"It doesn't make sense. Why would you
get Trainerpoints if the Pokemon are the one's exploring and not
That's for me to know, and for you to find out. Pl0x.
That's for me to know, and for you to find out. Pl0x.
You just stand there and send the pokémon off into possibly hostile territory, then go about your day. Plus, with interactions, eggs, and other means of getting trainer points, I don't think another way to gain them is really needed at this point in time.
Let's say it's 1%, and you have 6 Rumblers, 1 x 6 is 6%, but with every level, it increases by, let's say 0.2%, so it will be 1.2% for 1 Rumbler. 1.2 x 6 is 7.2%, which is still kind of low.
I still think that what you said is true, or what I said too. The example above is bad, maybe increased by 0.1%? That would seem fair enough..