"I'm sorry, but that is not exactly the case with the rest of the
world. I'm not saying that our world was totally awful, but if I
had the choice of going back to my old life or staying here, I'd
stay here."
she looked away avoiding any eye contact as she sighed.
''its nice here to.. but its just not the same to me... i'm getting
used to being a pokemon, but i'm just not used to being in a
different world'' she said a bit more calmly now.
"I really get it. This is scary, confusing, sometimes painful.
Hell, I knew literally nothing about any pokemon when I came in. I
still don't. I barely know anything about type matchups, or what
types each pokemon is, what good moves are in general, why
Bayleef's buds smell so good, what's considered offensive to locals
here, nothing. At least you actually know stuff about pokemon."
scarlet looked down at the ground hiding the fact that she was
actually blushing a little.
''um.. i uh... i'm going to go scout around, okay? great, be back
soon'' she said, walked over the stream, and walked out of sight.