scarlet scouted around the area lost in thought.
she didn't even hear a twig snap behind her as a garchomp tackled
her and pinned her to the ground.
she screamed from the shock and fear that ran through her head.
''time to get my revenge!'' the garchomp yelled and she knew just
who it was.
''l-lily! why do you want revenge so bad when i did nothing?!'' she
yelled and tried to struggle her way free.
lily kept her pinned and raised her free arm into the air as her
claw started to glow. not good! she thought fearfully.
''help!!!'' she screamed.
lily sent her arm down but was stopped mid-way due to scarlet using
vine whip to keep her claw from ramming into her.
''you gonna put up a fight now huh? well then.. get up and fight!''
lily growled and sent her flying into a tree.
scarlet fell to the ground but scrambled to her feet standing her
lily landed on her side and when she looked at luce, her once dark
blue eyes, now a deep red color.
when she got up she rammed her head into him sending him into a
''what the heck lily?! why are you acting like this!'' she yelled
using leaf storm.
Blaze activated, and Luce snapped. He unleashed several flame
wheels, flamethrowers, and mach punches in a row, with flames were
from his tail were headed in every direction.
lily took the hits and fell back landing flat on her back her eyes
''what.. the... heck?! calm down luce, she stopped attacking''
scarlet said running over to luce.
lily's eyes opened and she moaned rubbing her head, her eyes back
to there dark blue color.
''what happened... last thing i remember was collecting some
trinkets and gem stones from some pokemon i battled..'' she
muttered and sat up.
''luce!'' scarlet yelled.
lily used both her claws to hold luce back so she wouldn't get
anymore burns.
''dude, chill alright?!'' lily said a bit confused.
''ow!!'' she screamed and ran off towards the stream.
lily threw luce into a tree and ran after scarlet calling.
''wait, scarlet!'' she called and left luce to himself.
scarlet skidded to a stop and stuck the leaf on her head into the
water wincing from the pain, tears streaming from her eyes.
''scarlet what happened?'' lily asked after catching up.
she did not answer but kept her head down low to the stream.
''scarlet?'' lily muttered and walked over gasping at what she
when scarlet lifted her head up the leaf on her head was half
burnt, making it look like some bug type pokemon bit the leaf on
her head.
she sat down and closed her eyes tightly as tears streamed.
lily put her arm around her and tried to help calm her down, but
failed trying.
scarlet and lily both walked to where the house was and both of
them walked into one of the other rooms.
''ow.. that hurts'' scarlet muttered.
''hold still and it wont'' lily said wrapping the leaf on her head
''ow! how can i? it hurts!'' scarlet yelled.