"Actually, I do have a really stupid self-portrait in there. It's
not that bad or anything, I took a few art classes at school. It's
just that I had to draw it from memory, so it's a little bit more
cartoony, but it's just as dorky."
"Sure :D" He pulled the journal out of the backpack, and opened it
to the first page. The picture is good, nothing spectacular, the
shading is okay, but the overall value could be better.
''the drawing looks really cool luce'' scarlet said looking at the
she tapped her foot thinking.
''can i have a blank page and a pencil for a second?'' she asked
tilting her head.
(Throw another Magikarp, and I'm making Luce canonly gay so that
the ship can never happen.)
"Yeah sure. You can draw with vines?" He handed a pencil over to
Scarlet "Sorry that a lot of the pages are singed, Riku hit me with
thunder while I had it on me once."
''its fine, i can still sketch'' she said taking the paper and
she walked to a flat rock and started sketching something.
after a bit of sketching, she gave luce the pencil back.
''here'' she said handing him the sketching.
it was a sketch of a shaymin in its sky form with a good amount of
shading on the flower.
''i used to sketch before i ended up as a pokemon.. its been a
while since i've sketched though'' scarlet muttered.