Forum Thread
Increase signature limit
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Increase signature limitIf you put a lot of links or images in your signature, then you can use Link Shorteners, such as the service provided by Google.
So if you want to keep pushing for this, a good reason that'll change minds needs to be given other than just stating "it should be" it needs to be "It should be, because..."
With 500 characters, there's enough room to add images, links, and a bunch of stuff, without going insane and without stretching the signature space adding the scroll bar to your signature. (Which I personally think looks sloppy, so I go out of my way to make sure it doesn't show up on my signatures)
With 1,000 characters, all I forsee is people shoving more stuff in their signatures, forcing more scroll bars, and all in all just more of a messy look on the forums. Plus, if it doesn't fit in the signature, there's still your about me to use, which allows more characters to be used.