I have already mentioned this, but majority of your 'art', is
traced from Pokemon sprites. You didnt event draw the Chespin
one... all you did was add a hat and stick. Both chespin art
(original and yours) are the same. Articuno, Timid, Victini, all
traced from sprites...
Oh, and the shading. It's blatant that you used the 'Smudge' tool
on Photoshop, or the 'Blur' tool on SAI to blend the shadow in.
Well, It's not perfect, so I can easily tell that thats what you
You missed some parts out. And you didn't smudge the other shadows
in. (Under the arms)
@Master - I understand people at first start tracing, but trust me,
It's not the right thing to do. Most people who tend to draw a lot
(Like me), may get annoyed when other people trace. You should just
try drawing how you can :) I'm sure you can draw, but there is no
need to trace ^^ Just try your best to draw with your heart.
i don't see a problem with this thread, seeing as how he's sticking
only to tracing official art, and not the personal art of other
artists (there will be a problem if that happens though lol)
there little, if any dfference between this and the sprite threads
where people customize the pokemon sprites, recolor, and do a lot
of the things that master is doing to the drawings
that being said, quit harassing him and let him have his fun :p
It has been a long time since i have made any art:/ .... Well I
thought why not make an anime Character (I mean copy it from Death
Note;) )
So here it is: (Any suggestions and feedback are Welcomed)