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Forum Thread

agata's thoughts

Forum-Index Diaries agata's thoughts
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Wed, 20/08/2014 22:46 (10 Years ago)

my name is agata, i'm a 24 years old girl from latin america.
i'm currently working & attending college (education major)
although i'm very direct, i consider myself as a caring & doting friend!
please don't post here

my favorite color is pink & i like everything pink and cute, basically.
i love starbuck's frappé, cookies & cream and vanilla are my favorites.
i'm not a big fan of anime but i love sailor moon & ccs.
my favorite pokemon are

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Thu, 21/08/2014 00:43 (10 Years ago)


shiny jirachi ✔
shiny suicune
shiny meloetta ✔
shiny diance
shiny mega aggron ✔
shiny mega rapidash ✔
shiny mega galarian rapidash ✔
shiny mega candaria
shiny solgaleo ✔
shiny lunala ✔
100 shiny beautifly
10,000 beautifly plushies
get on the biggest plushie collection ranklist ✔

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Fri, 22/08/2014 16:33 (10 Years ago)

moon dust in your lungs, stars in your eyes, you are the child of the cosmos

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Sat, 23/08/2014 21:28 (10 Years ago)

profile art credits

pfp: marvel official
pixel divider: Martith, F2U DA
beautifly animated and teddiursa edit sprite: Furret, PH

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Thu, 25/06/2020 01:01 (4 Years ago)

recent happenings

Congratulations! A shiny Eevee hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #26)!
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Thu, 25/06/2020 19:04 (4 Years ago)

recent happenings

Congratulations! A shiny Eevee hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #41)!

Mochi gifted me x500
reapu gifted me a bunch of
Furret gifted me x500
Furret gifted me x1,000
Spencer sold me x450

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Fri, 26/06/2020 07:07 (4 Years ago)

recent happenings

[shaymin event coding]



[img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/gracidea.png[/img] [b]#1 shaymin encounter at:[/b] xx,xxx interactions.
→ [b]gift selected:[/b]

[img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/gracidea.png[/img] [b]#2 shaymin encounter at:[/b] xx,xxx interactions.
→ [b]gift selected:[/b]

[img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/gracidea.png[/img] [b]#3 shaymin encounter at:[/b] xx,xxx interactions.
→ [b]gift selected:[/b]

[img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/gracidea.png[/img] [b]#4 shaymin encounter at:[/b] xx,xxx interactions.
→ [b]gift selected:[/b]

[img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/gracidea.png[/img] [b]#5 shaymin encounter at:[/b] xx,xxx interactions.
→ [b]gift selected:[/b]

[img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/gracidea.png[/img] [b]#6 shaymin encounter at:[/b] xx,xxx interactions.
→ [b]gift selected:[/b]

[img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/gracidea.png[/img] [b]#7 shaymin encounter at:[/b] xx,xxx interactions.
→ [b]gift selected:[/b]


[img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/dw_plushies/1492.png[/img] [img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/dw_plushies/1492a.png[/img]
[left][img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/gracidea.png[/img] [b]#1 sky gift received from:[/b]
→ [b]items gotten:[/b][/left] [right][img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/gracidea.png[/img] [b]#2 sky gift received from:[/b]
→ [b]items gotten:[/b][/right]

[left][img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/gracidea.png[/img] [b]#3 sky gift received from:[/b]
→ [b]items gotten:[/b][/left] [right][img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/gracidea.png[/img] [b]#4 sky gift received from:[/b]
→ [b]items gotten:[/b][/right]

[left][img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/gracidea.png[/img] [b]#5 sky gift received from:[/b]
→ [b]items gotten:[/b][/left] [right][img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/gracidea.png[/img] [b]#6 sky gift received from:[/b]
→ [b]items gotten:[/b][/right]

[left][img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/gracidea.png[/img] [b]#7 sky gift received from:[/b]
→ [b]items gotten:[/b][/left] [right][img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/gracidea.png[/img] [b]#8 sky gift received from:[/b]
→ [b]items gotten:[/b][/right]

[left][img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/gracidea.png[/img] [b]#9 sky gift received from:[/b]
→ [b]items gotten:[/b][/left] [right][img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/gracidea.png[/img] [b]#10 sky gift received from:[/b]
→ [b]items gotten:[/b][/right]


Furret gifted me x250
ShyreniaRose gifted me x250

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Sat, 27/06/2020 01:14 (4 Years ago)

recent happenings

bought a week of premium with x250
bought x400 from the GTS.
bought x301 from the item market.
bought x544 from the item market.

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Sat, 27/06/2020 07:33 (4 Years ago)

recent happenings

Congratulations! A shiny Eevee hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #84)!

bought x105 from the item market.
got a raylóng egg.
currently on storage box: 2.

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Sun, 28/06/2020 17:18 (4 Years ago)

recent happenings

Congratulations! A shiny Eevee hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #100)!

Greggory_Lee gifted me a
Godfaking gifted me a
Tobey gifted me x25 for my raylóng quest
got a raylóng egg.
→ currently on storage box: 3.
bought x400 from the GTS.

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2020 23:46 (4 Years ago)

recent happenings

bought x341 from the item market.
Electroboi gifted me a
bought x150 from the gts.

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 02:52 (4 Years ago)

recent happenings

won the silver medal of most berries fed

bought x50 from the GTS.
got a raylóng egg.
→ currently on storage box: 5.

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Wed, 01/07/2020 02:49 (4 Years ago)

recent happenings

Mochi gifted me x1,000
bought x661 from the GTS.
got a raylóng egg.
→ currently on storage box: 6.

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Wed, 01/07/2020 07:38 (4 Years ago)

recent happenings

got the 1st os shiny giga butterfree & i love her

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Fri, 03/07/2020 21:26 (4 Years ago)

recent happenings

Congratulations! A shiny Caterpie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #151)!

got a raylóng egg.
currently on storage box: 7.

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Fri, 03/07/2020 22:06 (4 Years ago)

recent happenings

Congratulations! A shiny Caterpie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #178)!
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Sat, 04/07/2020 02:45 (4 Years ago)

recent happenings

Congratulations! A shiny Caterpie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #260)!
Congratulations! A shiny Caterpie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #264)!
Congratulations! A shiny Caterpie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #311)!
Congratulations! A shiny Caterpie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #322)!
Congratulations! A shiny Caterpie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #363)!
Congratulations! A shiny Caterpie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #390)!
Congratulations! A shiny Caterpie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #401)!
Congratulations! A shiny Caterpie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #410)!
Congratulations! A shiny Caterpie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #546)!
Congratulations! A shiny Caterpie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #562)!
Congratulations! A shiny Caterpie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #573)!
Congratulations! A shiny Caterpie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #649)!
Congratulations! A shiny Caterpie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #650)!
Congratulations! A shiny Caterpie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #670)!

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Sun, 05/07/2020 00:14 (4 Years ago)

recent happenings

got a mega-able slowpoke from the lab

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Sun, 05/07/2020 05:04 (4 Years ago)

recent happenings

got a mega-able gastly from the lab

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Sun, 05/07/2020 19:56 (4 Years ago)

recent happenings

Congratulations! A mega able Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs!
Congratulations! A mega able Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs!
Congratulations! A mega able Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs!
Congratulations! A mega able Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs!
Congratulations! A mega able Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs!
Congratulations! A mega able Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs!
Congratulations! A mega able Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs!
Congratulations! A mega able Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs!
Congratulations! A mega able Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs!
Congratulations! A mega able Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs!
Congratulations! A mega able Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs!
Congratulations! A mega able Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs!
Congratulations! A mega able Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs!