Forum Thread
DuskClan (w/ wishingonjirachi & infinityplayspokemon
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → DuskClan (w/ wishingonjirachi & infinityplayspokemonLilykit's ear flicked as a tom padded behind her. She was shocked to see that it was the broad, tan tom that DuskClan knew as their leader. The brown stripes on his back seemed like tiger marks to Lilykit, the leader chuckled as she stopped staring at the proud tom. "H-hi Brindlestar!" Lilykit meowed in a warm greeting, cheering up a bit. Brindlestar sat down on the grassy fields. "You like to daydream beyond the skies, eh?" Lilykit nodded eagerly. She saw a quick glance at the brown tom, Treekit, who was a bit surprised she was sharing tongues with the leader.
"I do too," Brindlestar gave a deep, playful laugh. Lilykit curled her fluffy tail around her chest. Brindlestar continued to talk, his deep, calm voice was soothing to Lilykit. "Do you have any plans of what you're going to be as an apprentice?" Lilykit purred, as she replied eagerly. "I'm going to be a warrior, and it'll be great! I might even be better than some, but..." Lilykit dazed off into the clouds, imagining being the best warrior-maybe even the deputy!
Brindlestar gaze his heavy chuckled, which snapped the young kit out of confusion. "You remind me a lot about myself when I was your age. Filled with wonder and determination, and just creamed in unknown destiny." Lilykit purred at his comment. It did sound a lot like herself, as she straightened her posture. Suddenly, a pale gray she-cat padded up behind the two. "Brindlestar, we need to talk." It was the strict, firm voice of the deputy, Robinwing. Brindlestar began to rise up to his paws, Lilykit nearly gasped. He was so big, and looked so strong! "Goodbye, young kit. I'll see you again... And you'd make an excellent warrior, young one." He meowed and padded to the leaders' den, next to his deputy.
Treekit let out a big sigh.
"I can guess treekit likes me, so, I will stop him from being this horrid to you" Nightkit whispered to her friend.

"Lilykit, you know what you did was wrong, but... You overreacted out of loyalty and caused alot of damage. Some apprentices can't even do that much." Lilykit felt the hint of compliment in that, but she still felt guilty. Thundercloud nodded and padded away, as the she-kit caught a glimpse the leader. Lilykit sighed, and padded to the nursery. Curling up beneath Thundercloud, sleep washed her away. (Lets wait for Jirachi to reply)

Hazekit had slept in that day after recently being sick. He woke up groggy, yawning as he fluffed out his fur, trying to wake himself up. "Yuck," he meowed, unsure if he was feeling better or worse.
His mother, Orangevine, was still resting, as she had been up all night, so this was the perfect opportunity to go and greet the other kits who seemed to be in the clearance. He got up slow and carefully, then bounded out of the nursery.

Those are my babies. <3