Forum Thread
DuskClan (w/ wishingonjirachi & infinityplayspokemon
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → DuskClan (w/ wishingonjirachi & infinityplayspokemonLilypaw lay during a sleepless night, utterly bored. She heard a rustle from the field, which was closest to the apprentices' den, but not in it. Stealthily, Lilypaw jumped out of her nest and crept under the long, wild jets of grass. It was a ginger-brown apprentice. "Rowanpaw?" she spoke up, returning to her tall, full height. "Oh, hi!" he looked startled. "I couldn't sleep..." he meowed. Lilypaw shrugged. "Me neither," (Blah blah blaaah)
(Skipping to the damn point now.) Lilypaw and Rowanpaw had palyed games all night, but by the crack of daylight, they had went to their nests for a catnap, at least until grouchy Robinwing woke Lilypaw up for her training.

"Hey, Sleepypaw!" she giggled, flicking her tail as she motioned for the apprentice to follow. "I think we'll do some hunting today. How does that sound?"
Morningleaf was a sweet cat, and never seemed to be tired. She was full of boundless energy, and very positive. Everything she did, she seemed excited about. Basically, she was the perfect mentor, and she was nice about things too. It really was perfect for shy, awkward Hazepaw.
"Sounds great," he yawned again, climbing out of his nest as he weaves=d through the sea of apprentices. "Are we going with anyone else?"
"I would say Lilypaw, but you know Robinwing..." Morningleaf giggled, flicking a tail towards the grumpy deputy. "I'll try to convince her, though!"
Hazepaw walked beside his mentor as they headed towards the two familiar cats leaving the camp through the entrance. Lilykit looked annoyed, and Robinwing just looked proud, like always. Hazepaw wasn't the biggest fan of his deputy...
"Hey, Robinwing!" Morningleaf called as she caught up to the two. "Hunting?"

Those are my babies. <3

Hazepaw smiled as Lilypaw ran up to him, eyes full of excitement. "Hey, Lilypaw," he greeted back, meowing happily. "I'm great, thanks!"
The trio waited patiently for Robinwing to get back, and Hazepaw's ears flicked up. "You mean that cat you like?" He asked, teasing her a little. Hey, even Hazepaw likes to poke fun sometime.

Those are my babies. <3

"Hm... Rowanpaw against Hazepaw, and I'll go with Lilypaw. Losers face losers, winners go winners." Featherblade declared. Lilypaw's eyes inspected the she-cat, narrowing into a slick, green slits. "Unsheathed or no?" Featherblade asked. The she-cat looked sure the apprentice would say no, but Lilypaw unsheathed her thorn-piercing claws. Swiftly, the warrior bowled into the young she-cat apprentice, but Lilypaw quickly jerked to the side.
"Your talented in fighting," the silver she-cat meowed. Focused, Lilypaw pounced onto Featherblade's back, her claws reaping at the warriors' back. "You have won," the warrior dipped her head. Next she was against Hazepaw. "Good luck," Lilypaw meowed to Hazepaw. They both dipped their heads as Lilypaw's claws glinted in the sun. Hazepaw dashed towards Lilypaw, but the she-cat was quicker. She rolled under him, kicking his stomach with her hind-legs, sending him on his back. Lilypaw had failed to miss a scratch, but she had the apprentice pinned with the wrists.