I really want a shiny Buizel.
The reason is ever since Sinnoh came out and I played Pokemon
Pearl, the coolest Pokemon I found was a Buizel. Furthermore, in
Pokemon Platinum (Same generation as Pokemon Pearl), my brother
found a shiny Roselia. That made me even more excited to find a
shiny and if I got to choose which shiny I want it would definitely
be shiny Buizel. Shiny Buizel looks so cool with the gold colors
and sometimes it looks cute too. I myself like cool and cute
Pokemon which is why I want shiny Buizel. (My answer may sound a
bit long-winded... :S sorry if it's too long...) Good luck to
everyone! (Y)
Click on ma Pokes! Visit my
Trade Shop!
Buying nuggets PM/Pal Pad me if you would like to sell.
I would want him because he was one of my favourite pokemon from
the sinnoh region and his evolution looks really cool and it will
also help me with my dex
Well then, mine is buizel.
I really like buizel because;
he is awesome,
he is a real help in my black and white,
i love him
i love him
(i think i said this) i love him
I would like to have a shiny tirtouga the way the ocean
goes....Calms me and I believe if I have this I would be calm and
thing of the ocean even more.....I love the ocean....I love
swimming and I love tirtouga....
I would really like to have a shiny natu. I'm very fond of bird
Pokemon because I own chickens as pets. Birds are adorable,
intelligent, and have their own personalities. They seem to have
eternal freedom, being able to soar through the skies at their
whim. Psychic Pokemon are my second favorite type after fire simply
because they're powerful not through brute force, but through
intelligence and manipulating the minds of others (think hypnosis
and dream eater). They're like the hidden gem of the Pokemon world.
Victory of mind rather than body.
I also wanted to say thank you for so generously handing out
shinies to people and good luck to all participants!
The reason is why, when I was younger a friend lend me her Game
Pokemon Black, My first real pokemon game (My real first was
Pokepark), So I was in middle of the game when....I wild Krokorok
appear! Sparks every were!Diferent Colors! I was like What is this?
I have to catched! My pokemon was very lower levels so I pass like
an hour trying to catch it, then I got it in only one PS Left! Yey!
But the sandstorm kick her (Yes it was female) and died....RIP to
Krokoroka ;-; I want her to revive in PokeHeroes, I miss her, okey
no xD
I would love the shiny Anorith.
Reason? Many. Anorith and Armaldo are my two favourite fossil
pokemon. In my Pokemon Emerald, I encountered my first shiny - a
Graveler. I was training my trusty Armaldo at the time. I attempted
to weaken the Graveler, but it self-destructed, killing any chance
at my first seen shiny becoming my first captured one. Metal Claw
never killed the Gravelers in one hit, but that one just didn't
want to stay with me, it seemed.
I have ALWAYS loved Accelgor,here is one of my favorites and the
motorcycle episode was so cool.When I saw his shiny form I FLIPPED
OUT,I thought it looked awesome and I really wanted one
I loved to use poison type pokemon and poisoning strategies, but at
the same time I loved the design of dragon typed pokemon. During
generation 3, I hoped that they would add a Poison/dragon pokemon,
and now, 10 years later, they had added Dragalge, who i thought was
the most coolest thing they added in gen. 6.
Oo, I personally have always wanted a shiny Maractus.
It's my very first shiny Pokemon on my Pokemon Black and i have
adored it to the very end ♥ The colors are really bright and fit a
lot with it's green "body". Just look at it, haha. Pink spikes,
yellow flowers, and purple marks/patterns on it x3
For Me I Mostly Like Deerling(Spring),Why I Like Deerling(Spring)
Because I Like Ice Types Besides My Other Favorite Or Other Types
That I Like.I Choose Deerling(Spring)Cuz I Know I Will Raise
Him/Her Rightly And When I Win These Raffle I'm Sure That
Deerling(Spring) Will Belongs To A Good Person Or In Good
Hands.That's All Ive Got The Comment On Deerling :)