I would really love a shiny Buizel
As a kid I used to watch the pokemon anime, but I only got to watch
the 4rth generation one. When I was watching it Buizel was one of
my favorite pokemon! I loved every battle he had, I loved how it
was actually traded away to Ash and over all it's cool design. It'd
really make my day if I could win it! Thanks!
Thanks you for making this
I would really love a shiny Sandile
I love it's color (Gold!), and don't you see how cute it looks
It'd really make my day if I could win it! Thanks!
Why? Because charmander is a fire type, and I LOVE fire types!
Plus, it's so cute, then it becomes cool, then AWESOME! I would be
EXTREMELY happy if I got one(BTW, it's me B-day :P).
Why? Because totodile is a water type, and I LOVE fire,water and
grass types! it's so cute, then it becomes cool, then AWESOME! I
would be EXTREMELY happy if I got one :D
I want a Shiny Buizel!
I want a Shiny Buizel because I love water and fire and electric
type pokemon It is Cool and Cute. It is also My favorite starter in
Generation 4 So I chose you Shiny Buizel!
I choose buizel because it is a water type Pokemon and I love water
types if I get that buizel I will take care of him and I wouldn't
evolve it into floatzel because floatzel is not cool I like buizel
not floatzel I watch that episode in diamond and pearl ash beg
buizel to move around with water gun to shield it self it is so
cooooool :)
I want to gift it to a friend because like... they deserve it. ouo
They've been my friend for over a year and one of my first friends.
So... I can't help but gifting the awesome people I know. xD
Anyhow, thanks for this. :3
My first pokemon card was Pidove, and I would like something
related to Pidove. Spearow, also a bird-like pokemon, is related to
Pidove. Spearow also is one of my liked-pokemon. I would put an
everstone on it, so it would stay like a Pidove. It would also be
my first PH shiny.
If it would make you happy,
I'll give my most precious thing to you.
Even if it turns out we can't meet for
a second time,
A smile will always bloom in my heart.
I want a shiny anorith.
I want shiny anorith because its color and because its from hoenn
which is my favorite region. I would also choose anorith over
lileep if it comes down to which fossil to choose and its my
favorite bug type out of many other bug type Pokemon.