Forum Thread
Razor leaf!~A grass lovers clan
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Razor leaf!~A grass lovers clan1. Be nice. Not just to me, but to other members here too.
2.At least have meaning in your post, and try to used readable grammar. You don't have to be perfect, but at least try.
3. Please don't talk about other types, unless it is stated in the main chat.
4. Don't spam, as in have more than 5 words, and don't turn this into a chat/ RP.
5. Put the last word in the last rule as the password.
6. Blah
7. Don't beg. Although, we will be able to trade Grass Types and only talk about trading grass types in this clan. This doesn't mean you only trade Grass- Types, but don't talk about trading like a dragon type.
9. Forget rule 5 and put the missing number of the rule.
Here are the people warned.
Get 3 warnings and its strike out for a week, get three more and it is out a month, get the last three and you are banned for a year/ forever depending on the severity.
Here are the people banned.
Enjoy this clan!
Title: Members
Username- Rank- Favorite Grass Type
Oddballme- Leader/possible spriter- Venusaur
MegaShadowSamurott (Soon to be GhestriHoundoom)- Mini-mod- Treecko/Snivy
Greninja2674- Gloom Member- Leafeon
Moonlight197- Oddish member- Bayleef
Toothless- Oddish member- Tropius
Mini- Mod.- Allowed to mod for me if I'm offline, or don't respond to something. I must trust you.
Spriter/ Artist- Makes sprites/ art for the clan.
Vileplume member- Long time here.
Gloom member- Intermediate time here
Oddish member- Slightly newer members.
Title: Forms
I want to join!
Favorite Grass Type?:
[b][u]I want to join![/u][/b]
[b]Favorite Grass Type?:[/b]
[b]Favorite Grass Type?:[/b]
I want to be a Mini-Mod!
Rank:(Yes, you must have a rank.)
Do you think you are trustworthy?:
[b][u]I want to be a Mini-Mod![/b][/u]
[b]Do you think you are trustworthy?:[/b]
[b]Do you think you are trustworthy?:[/b]
I'm a Spriter!
Examples of Sprites:
[b][u]I'm a Spriter![/b][/u]
[b]Examples of Sprites:[/b]
[b]Examples of Sprites:[/b]
Title: Main Chat
Pokémon of the week!~

Chat things!(Not limited to, but you can think of more :P)
-What is your least favorite grass type?
-What would your grass type team be?
-What do you think about weaknesses to grass types?
-What do you think about types weak to grass?
-Grass chat
-Grass trading
- Form