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Razor leaf!~A grass lovers clan
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Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Razor leaf!~A grass lovers clan
Saiban OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 32
Posted: Sun, 27/10/2013 21:18 (11 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Fri, 08/11/2013 17:10 (11 Years ago)
I want to join! Username: Moonlight197
favorite grass-type: Bayleef
Password: 8
Other: I
think I forgot something, but I'm not sure...
Umbreon is epic!
Made by Wraitheon1!
Made by Yoru!
Made by NeverEndingStory!
by Umbreon 014!
Made by Celestial!
Saiban OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 32
Posted: Sat, 09/11/2013 00:27 (11 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Wed, 13/11/2013 22:45 (11 Years ago)
My grass-type team would be Bayleef, Venusaur, Roserade, Shiftry,
Leafeon, and Tropius. I have my reasons for my choices.
Umbreon is epic!
Made by Wraitheon1!
Made by Yoru!
Made by NeverEndingStory!
by Umbreon 014!
Made by Celestial!
Posted: Sat, 19/04/2014 10:41 (10 Years ago)
I want to join!
Username: Toothless (Toothie)
Favorite Grass Type?: Tropius
Pass?: rule
Other: Nope.
[i]"Shinah. It means
Saiban OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 32
Posted: Sat, 19/04/2014 13:19 (10 Years ago)
Okay, wow. Someone else appears to be a supremem forum stalker
Forum Posts: 583
Posted: Sat, 19/04/2014 13:25 (10 Years ago)
Sorry i haven't been that active!
Saiban OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 32
Posted: Sat, 19/04/2014 13:31 (10 Years ago)
It's okay. I kind-of let this die anyways.
remy1 OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 21
Forum Posts: 223
Posted: Sat, 19/04/2014 13:33 (10 Years ago)
I want to join!
Username: Remy1 (why do you want to know)
Favorite Grass Type?: Got to be Gogoat
Pass?: Mega
Other: Noothing
Saiban OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 32
Posted: Sat, 19/04/2014 13:37 (10 Years ago)
Not accepted. Pass is wrong. You need to have one of the two
passwords in the rules.
Forum Posts: 172
Posted: Sat, 19/04/2014 22:58 (10 Years ago)
I want to join!
Username: ShinyXerneas
Favorite Grass Type?: Serperior!
Pass?: 8
Other: Nothing :)
Styx OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 34
Forum Posts: 836
Posted: Sat, 19/04/2014 23:13 (10 Years ago)
I want to join!
Username: ForestTrain
Favorite Grass Type?: Ludicolo!
Pass?: 8
Other: *Spanish music starts playing*
interact with my sentret i want her to
become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active
Posted: Sun, 20/04/2014 00:57 (10 Years ago)
I want to join!
Username: Aisling
Favorite Grass Type?: Chikorita
Pass?: 8
Other: <3 Thanks for havin' me darlin'
Saiban OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 32
Posted: Sun, 20/04/2014 01:48 (10 Years ago)
Whoa holy crud XD All accepted.
Forum Posts: 172
Posted: Sun, 20/04/2014 10:21 (10 Years ago)
Thanks :)
By the way... many Useres did posted her "Grass-Team" here...
I think, this 6 will be mine:
Saiban OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 32
Posted: Sun, 20/04/2014 12:49 (10 Years ago)
Yes, but I think I'll add a new topic...
How do you feel about Grass weaknesses?
Forum Posts: 172
Posted: Sun, 20/04/2014 12:51 (10 Years ago)
Hm... good Question.
Many Friends always told me, that Grass-Types are lame O.o
One of my Friends is an Fire-Type Lover ^^"
But I don't care about this... even a Grass-Type could win against
an Fire-Type, if you choose the wright Moves + Stats!
Saiban OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 32
Posted: Sun, 20/04/2014 12:57 (10 Years ago)
People say that grass-types are useless and have too many
weaknesses and they'd rather use Lovedisk ._.
I would tell those people, I beat TWO WHOLE GAMES with Bulbasaur,
and I've had a grass-type on my team almost EVERY TIME. (With e
exception of Eeveelocke, witch I didn't use Leafeon because I
didn't want to have to beat almost the whole game for it. Not
because it's 'weak'...) And yeah. I'd lecture them some more then
walk away :P
Forum Posts: 172
Posted: Sun, 20/04/2014 13:08 (10 Years ago)
I always use a Grass-Type in my Game-Team! ^^