yawning and slowly opening her eyes, the young apprentice sighed
and wondered to herself. wonder when i'll get a mentor...
sighing once more, she sat up and shook her pelt out.
looking outside of the apprentice den, she seen a couple she-cats
she tilted her head curious on what they were saying, so she padded
out of the den.
''oh, hello miststar, hello honeyfang, having a nice day?'' she
dipped her head to both the higher ranked cats.
jumping a bit from eveningbreeze sneaking up behind her,
shadowpaw's pelt puffs up.
''hello eveningbreeze, can you please not sneak up on me?'' she
looked up at the deputy.
pelt flattening back out, she sat down and curled her tail around
her paws.
sighing, she just looked up at the shecat.
''your fine... i had just waken up a little while ago, i am still
trying to wake up'' she said.
shadowpaw just giggled, it was kind of funny after she thought
about it.
(had to make a quick edit... first when i posted it, it somehow
didn't seem right)
Waking up, Rainfeather shook his head. "I must've fallen asleep
while I was sitting here..." He grumbled, and walked out of the
den. I wonder if Miststar's still mad. He wondered, looking
up at the sky. Deciding to take a quick swim, he looked where he
was going and shimmied into the lake.
"Hello, Shadowpaw. I'm doing fine, as I hope yours is going well
too." Miststar meowed in a warm greeting. She groomed her left
forepaw quickly, as her golden eyes set to focus on something else.
That's perfect, she thought to herself, finally making a
decision. The calico she-cat shook out her long, sleek pelt and
gave a firm flick of her tail. She padded to the river, a chill
signaling through her as her paw touched the water. A Miststar
began to swim through the water, her legs felt stiff. Ignoring it,
she swam over to Rainfeather.
"Hello, Rainfeather. I hope your morning's doing okay," She meowed
in a warm greeting, but continued. "I was wondering... Would you
like to mentor and apprentice yourself?"
curiously looking at the small lake that rainfeather and miststar
were swimming in, she wondered. what is miststar and rainfeather up to?
shadowpaw went to the pray pile and picked out a plump rabbit.
heading back towards the apprentice den, she had just gotten comfy
in her nest to eat.
she was then lost in thought after that.
Clan name: Snowkit
Age(in moons):5 moons
Gender: she cat
Rank(kit, apprentice, warrior med-cat, queen): kit, apprentice
Appearance: Has bright blue eyes and a white pelt and light silver
paws and tip of ears and tail are black
(Moonkit, accepted! Though we'll have to have your apprentice
saramony or however its spelled. Welcome to Ivyclan. Also, you'll
need to change your name cause' the term 'moon' is forbidden)
A bit startled by the leader's voice, Rainfeather jumped. "I-I'm
fine." He said, still a bit shaken. Regaining his focus, he
answered the question. "Me? Mentoring? Really?" He questioned a
bit, before nodding. "Sure! I'd love to." He meowed, swimming to a
bank nearby. His morning swim was over, so he shook off a bit in
the shallows.
Miststar purred as she followed him to the lands. "Thats great!"
The she-cat shook out her pelt, drips of water flying around. "I'm
sure you'll do good, Rainfeather." Miststar nodded at the tom and
padded away, still drenched with water. She plopped in a spot which
was gleaming with sunshine, as she went into a world of her mind.
Miststar's ears perked as her thoughts was interrupted. She waved
her tail for Eveningbreeze to sit next to her, as she shrugged. "I
was going to give you one, anyways." Miststar's pelt had dried, as
she lapped her tongue against her chest fur to flatten it. "I'm
going hunting. You wanna come?" She was already up to her paws.
"Alright, lets go than." Miststar gave a curt nod at the shecat as
she trudged through into the forest. The autumn's breeze failed in
the silent-blue sky. The clouds were thin and spread across the sky
like cotton. Miststar sweeped through the colored leaves. A sudden
chill from the wind entwined through the she-cat's pelt.
Leaf-bare. Miststar thought, for it was late leaf-fall. She
lifted her muzzle into the air and sniffed, as the scents of prey
filled her scents. "We need to get prey quick, Leaf-bare is
The she-cat's stomach rumbled. She hadn't ate in such a long time.
Ignore it, clan first.. she forced herself to hunt first.
She'll eat later. As she extended her height, her snout stuck into
the air. She hadn't thought of what kind of prey it was. It was
just food. However, hunting was not Miststar's best skill. This
she-cat was more of a fighter.
As she crouched down, she made sure to slide more than step, so the
leaves would make less sounds. Her scents brought her to a
squirrel. As her golden gaze focused on it, she merely snapped a
twig, leaving her prey to alert. "Mouse-dung..." she grumbled under
her breath. She'd have to chase it down now. Without hesitation,
Miststar gave a hefty kick of her strong hindlegs, leaping closer
to it. As the squirrel already knew she was there, Miststar didn't
care to snap the twigs or leafs. The squirrel was fast, but its
weight held it back. Miststar pushed herself further, and clamped
her reinforced teeth at its puny neck. She crushed its neck, as the
squirrel grew limp.
Catching her breath, the calico murmured her thanks to StarClan.
She stuffed the squirrel under some tight tree roots, and went off
for more hunting. By the time, Miststar had caught a thrush and a
vole, but failed to catch a raven.
stretching and waking up from a few hour nap, she sat up and looked
around the camp. where is miststar and eveningbreeze? i've not seen them leave
the camp before... she thought.
she went over to the small lake seeing that rainfeather and
miststar were gone. hmm.. wonder what i should do now... she was bored cause
there was nothing to do in the camp.
she lowered her head down to the water and lapped up some of the
coolness of the water.
''maybe i should try and help out since the prey pile is getting a
little low, just by the camps edge'' she muttered to herself.
padding over to the edge of the camp, she lifted her muzzle up into
the air and sniffed scenting a mouse. this would be my first hunt since i became an apprentice!
shadowpaw thought gleefully.
silently sneaking around trying to find the mouse, she kept quiet
making sure not to scare it away.
finally seeing the mouse she had scented, she got ready to
leaping she pinned the mouses tail.
opening her eyes and looking, she seen she caught its tail.
''my first catch! yes!'' she meowed with cheer biting the mouse and
taking it back to camp.