Forum Thread
IvyClan (A warrior cat RP)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → IvyClan (A warrior cat RP)Age(in moons): 10
Gender: Female
Rank(kit, apprentice, warrior, queen): Apprentice

(Oh, and can she like be taking her warrior assesment?)

Ima go ahead and consider your character or something, Evelyn...)
Miststar's gaze was set on the Fresh Kill Pile, which was quite empty. Their deputy Eveningbreeze was gone, but they didn't have a new one. Dreams from StarClan had flooded Miststar's nights, ruining her sleep and making her a bit grumpy in the day. Is IvyClan failing? The calico leader thought, glaring at the fresh kill that they had left. She stood up and padded over to Rainfeather. "Rainfeather, how would you feel about becoming the next deputy?" She meowed, her tail flicking.

Clanname: Mangopaw
Age(in moons): 12
Gender: Male
Rank: Apprentice
Appearance: Orange tabby cat, with blue eyes.
Other: ~
Clanname: Palmpaw
Age(in moons): (Last moon of apprentice hood, it's been so long since I've read it.)
Gender: Female
Rank(kit, apprentice, warrior, queen): Apprentice
Appearance: A charcoal-colored cat, with a green and blue eye.
Other: ~
(And I just read back to the badger fight. Ah, the memories)
Clanname: Echopaw
Age: Two moons under Mangopaw (If you change it then I'll just make it same age)
Gender: Female
Rank: Apprentice
Appearance: A ginger tabby with a white muzzle and paws. Amber eyes.
Other: Has a crush on Mangopaw
Miststar's tail lashed. "We won't die off. StarClan wouldn't abandon us like that, I'm sure of it. There's not as many cats right now, which means there's less mouths to feed, which is good in our situation." She meowed firmly.

Miststar nodded, longing for the days were IvyClan was bold and strong. When the camp was running with kits and warriors, when they had so much fresh kill. It was almost deserted, and leaf-fall was stressing Miststar out. "There's Palmpaw. She's almost a warrior, and Eveningbreeze's three kits." The calico she-cat glanced at the Nursery. Echopaw bounded in the camp, and Miststar's golden gaze turned to the apprentice. "What were you doing outside camp? We're in no condition to worry, you know--" Echopaw dropped a thrush at Miststar's paws. "We're low on fresh kill." Echopaw meowed.
"I'm sorry, Echopaw... Just... Next time, tell someone, okay?" Miststar mewed softly. "I did." The apprentice replied. "Whom?" Miststar questioned.
The calico she-cat sighed. "I meant a warrior, or me." Miststar grumbled. Echopaw dipped her head apologetically and went to put the thrush away.

Palmpaw woke from a long sleep, and stretched out. She liked to tease Mangopaw, and sometimes Echopaw, but mostly Mangopaw. "Hey, fellow fruit-apprentice! Enjoying being a apprentice?" Palmpaw asked playfully.
This woke up Mangopaw. "Go away, Palmpaw."
"Fine, grumpy." Palmpaw said, before walking out of his den.
(And Rainfeather could mentor Palmpaw and Mangopaw right now.)
Echopaw's fur stuck out in as many ways as possible, which she acknowledged when she woke up staring at her ruffled flank. Her vision blurred, and as she heard Miststar's words, Echopaw lowered her head and went back to sleep.

Palmpaw and Mangopaw turned towards Rainfeather.
"You can't mentor both of us!" Mangopaw panted heavily, due to have ran to the warrior so quickly.
"Yes, she can!" Palmpaw argued. Mangopaw and Palmpaw both knew the reason why both were to their opinions.
"I'm choosing both of you for now, and that's FINAL." Rainfeather said sternly.
"Okay..." Mangopaw sighed.
"Okay!" Palmpaw nudged Mangopaw playfully. Mangopaw just groaned.