Clanname: RobinKit
Age(in moons): 5 moons.
Gender: Female
Rank(kit, apprentice, warrior med-cat, queen): Kit
Appearance: She is a tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes.
Miststar gave a murmur with her mouth closed, and turned to the
apprentice, looking down to meet her gaze softly. "Yes, yes, that's
a good idea. I suppose it'll be good to get our minds off all this
mouse-dunged trouble," She meowed, her fluffy tail lashing. "I
suppose I'll come along as well," She added.
shadowpaw sighed, trying not to lose her temper.
''i just want to get this hunt training over with...'' she
the she-cat apprentice was only fourteen moon's old, so she just
wanted to get her training done and over with
shadowpaw lapped at her left forepaw untangling a blade of grass
and padded over to the entrance waiting, her tail lashing in
annoyance thank's to the leader and deputy talking.
she tried to keep her respect's to the higher ranked cat's, but
somehow they were getting on her nerve's more and more when her
training is put on hold to talk.
shadowpaw sat down and gritted her, rather sharp looking teeth
trying not to snap. keep your temper shadowpaw..... keep your temper...! she
grumbled in her mind.
her razor blade sharp claw's scratched the soft earth under-paw and
"Then I suppose you can come along with us," Miststar suggested
wistfully. Her tail lashed patiently behind her, but her torn ears
swiveled curiously. Without turning back, she flicked her tail in a
sign for the black she-apprentice to come a bit closer.
"Patience, Shadowpaw, and stop moping. The kits see apprentices as
usual role-models, meaning you shouldn't shred up the nursery or
such because of your impatience. Just wait." Miststar meowed, in a
bit of a chide.
"Let us go." Miststar meowed to both Shadowpaw and Eveningbreeze,
staying only slightly behind as they padded out of camp.
shadowpaw's tail lashed and she padded ahead of all of them, her
ear's pinned back. i know the kit's look up to us apprentice's... it's just i'm not
in a good mood..... she though to her self, gritting her teeth.
(Time?... Well, we haven't really declared that. All of us have
been idle for so long, really. ALso changing Autumnkit to Leafkit,
since cats don't know what Autumn is.)
Miststar departed her jaw ever so slightly, as a tornado of prey
scent came into her head with a pang. She was dazed for a second,
but quickly recovered herself into concentration. She looked over
her shoulder quickly at the worried apprentice, but returned to
hunting. Right now, hunting was a priority.
[Yes, you can. Counting that I trust you've read warriors and your
first form and roleplays are acceptable, once you put in the form
you can RP with that character in a single post]
[Miststar, Shadowpaw, and Eveningbreeze went on a hunting patrol.
It's nearer to leaf-bare, so the prey is getting scarce. I don't
believe anyone is in the Medicine Den but Ivyfur and Swiftpaw.
Dustpath is bored, so you can interact with her. We have a contest
to see who can stir up the most drama.]