Forum Thread
BBCode Guide
Forum-Index → Help → Guides → BBCode GuideTo add to that, if you need a reference for the image BBcode - it’s for using it, it’s [img = ImageLinkHere]TextGoesHere[/img] instead of the website BBCode: [url = WebLinkHere]TextGoesHere[/url]
It basically goes like this:
Apologies if the link looks long, it’s just copied that way XD
So Mewtwo has the sprite 2150 not only 150.
You can see that if you just do a right-click on a shadow sprite and then choose 'copy image adress'. If you put in the text anywhere else then, you see the sprite-No is different.
For adding a gif, as people mentioned, you need to add the link between the two img tags, like so
Which nets you

As for shadow pokemon, it doesn't seem there's bbcodes for them yet, as based on their number system, they'd have a bbcode similar to shinies, where the form in in the tag itself.
This is the code I use on my profile:
Removing the * in the beginning makes:
This url I've taken from an already catched shadow in my boxes, if you take the picture from the Dex-Entry or directly from the Shadow Radar Page you get this one:
Both are working the same in BBCode, cause I always use last one in my Forum thread.