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when linking the plushie to your page?
(Like how you click on a plushie in someone's profile, and it leads you to directly send it to the person, with the plushie already selected?)
- Oreki Houtarou

Meet Hiko~!
It would be this~

(Found it {again} from a post from CatLady)
[pkmn]6mx[/pkmn] <- For X
[pkmn]6my[/pkmn] <- For Y
[pkmn]6my[/pkmn] <- For Y

Same for the Mega Mewtwo X and Y, I think so.
You need to add either x or y.
Ignore the part below

Casual Pulsefire Caitlyn Avatar - LoL fan-art [C] by Nixri Lol League Of Legends.