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The Fallen Ones ~ Open and Accepting

Forum-Index Roleplay Inactive RPs The Fallen Ones ~ Open and Accepting
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 22:20 (9 Years ago)
Fawn smiles and rolls her shoulders, everything softly clicking and she stands back up, human again. Ryder reluctantly does the same, and stands beside Fawn, towering over her.
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Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 22:25 (9 Years ago)
The child walks over to Fawn, slightly shorter than her. "Oh, and by the way, you can call me... Fox! Yes, I like that name! Well anyways, I forgot to give you a map to a safe haven I have, So here's the map! Only visible to monsters by the way" Fox says, winking and handing Fawn the map

"And watch out for traps. I keep remembering things and stretching things out. Has this conversation been going on too long?"
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 22:29 (9 Years ago)
"One word was too long" Ryder mutters shaking his head. Fawn looks at him sharply, silencing him. "Thank you, we will definitely come to this safe haven, and we will watch out for traps.. well I will." She says smiling and curtsying slightly in thanks.
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Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 22:34 (9 Years ago)
"Good." Says Fox, walking over to the window before tripping and falling on her face. "Ow! My face! Oh fudge nosebleed! Hey, do you have any tissues? Ugh, I HATE being this tiny sometimes. So, tissues?"
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 22:39 (9 Years ago)
Ryder chuckles to himself then says, "Use the blanket on the bed, not like we need it anymore." He takes hold of Fawn's hand and walks out of the room, heading towards the stair case to leave.
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Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 22:39 (9 Years ago)
"Stupid child illness death junk dgjffjkhfchkhdd" Fox mumbles as she grabs the blanket, holding her nose

Fox pops on her hat and jumps out the window once she stopped the nosebleed. She shifted so she looked like she was about 21, getting into a cherry red jaguar f-type coupe

She pulled up to the exit of the apartment building that the two werewolves were exiting. "You sure you don't want a ride?" She asked as soon as they made it out
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 23:02 (9 Years ago)
Ryder shakes his head slightly but Fawn happily agrees, "We'd love a ride!" She says, climbing into the passengers seat. Ryder throws his head back in frustration but climbs into the back seat anyways, cupping his face in his hands.
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Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 23:04 (9 Years ago)
"Hehehe! You kids are so cute!" She says. "Shadow! You still there?" She shouts, sticking her head out the window
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 23:09 (9 Years ago)
Ryder looks up, about to comment on the fact that he is not a kid, but stops himself and stares out the window. Fawn just smiles and looks around the car, curious as to how the thing works.
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Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 23:09 (9 Years ago)
"Eh, I guess he isn't. Oh well, off to the haven!"

Fox starts driving off of onto the road towards the woods
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 23:11 (9 Years ago)
"Buckle up" Ryder mutters to Fawn. Fawn nods and clicks the seat belt securely, holding on to the side of the door nervous to see how well Fox can drive.
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Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 23:12 (9 Years ago)
"So, tell me about yourselves" says Fox. "For every question you answer, I will answer one of yours."

"What is your favorite color?"
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 23:14 (9 Years ago)
Fawn pauses and taps her chin lightly, "Hm that's a hard one- OH! I know! A light green like grass in a meadow!" She says excitedly. Ryder snorts and mutters, "Black.". "What's your favorite food?" Fawn asks, automatically liking this game.
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Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 23:16 (9 Years ago)
"Mochi. That stuff is HEAVEN. What is your favorite.... Animal! I bet I can guess it!"
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 23:18 (9 Years ago)
"Wolves of cours-" Ryder starts when Fawn interrupts him mid-sentence "Kittens!" She squeals excitedly and snuggles herself just at the thought of the fluffy little fur balls. Ryder face palms a bit in embarrassment. "What's your favorite place to go?" Fawn asks
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Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 23:19 (9 Years ago)
"Hehehe! Oh I love cats! Hmmm, lemme think about that"

"Oh, I know! Galapagos! All the animals there are really friendly, not even scared of anybody!"

"Whaaaaattttt is your favorite song! I need to know, cuz I'm gonna put my playlist on!"
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 23:26 (9 Years ago)
"Galapagos? I've never even heard of that." Fawn says softly, then perks up a bit, "Oh I know! That one song ... it is like 'Weeeee are never ever ever getting back togetherrr~'" She sings out happily, dancing slightly in her seat. Ryder groans again and sits back far in his seat. "Do you have any hobbies?" She asks happily.
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Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 23:30 (9 Years ago)
Fox turns on some music. "Yes, art. I have a habit of sketching a picture of everyone I meet, if they let me. I have a whole room full of these drawings back at haven... So! If you had one wish, and could wish for anything, what would you wish for?"
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 23:39 (9 Years ago)
"I used to try and draw, but they always look like potatoes..." Fawn says, making Ryder snort with laughter. "Hm one wish? I think I would wish my parents were still alive... What would you wish for?" She asks softly.
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Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 23:43 (9 Years ago)
"I would wish for INFINITE WISHES, MWAHAHAHA! Ok, ok, next question. If you had a superpower, what would it be? Oh, and Ryder gets to ask next question!"