Auraora soonly stopped looking at where the rowl came from seening
nothing come "Maybe it was my imagtion then?"Auraora said confused
then looking at the ranch far away in the distance
Turning around to see why they ran, Autumn spotted the apple again,
since she had forgotten about it before. "Hey an apple!" she
exclaimed, trotting towards the apple, as well as the trap.
Auraora soonly went in front of Autmn wondering how people could be
folled by this "You almost got captured!"Auraora said annoyed about
this then soonly looking at the apple
"Ugh ill get the apple out of the trap then'Auraora said taking it
away seening a thing fall but avoiding it "See?"Auraora said
putting down the apple for Autumn
Sage then got a bit hungry after the race and then spotted a
carrot. She went towards it,but it was actually a trap. (And it
doesn't look like one either.)
interact with my sentret i want her to
become big n strong tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active
Auraora then smelled something like it was a carrot then seen Sage
getting close to it wondering if it was a trap 'Sage watch out,it
might be a trap"Auraora said
AAuraora soonly got up going to the carrot looking at it if it was
attated to anything or was a trap "this might be hard to find
out"Auraora said then kicked the cage back