Forum Thread
Xern's Shiny Sales !
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → Xern's Shiny Sales !This is a new Forum for my Shiny Shop run by Xern, Dark_Fire, and Kittenbus
I will be looking for others to help me with the shop. Any help is appreciated!
In this Forum only Shinies, Breeding Pairs, and Breeding Extras are sold.
These boxes are up for trades/sales: (Asking for multiple Pokémon at a time is allowed)
Please understand they are my Pokémon and if I do not want to trade one then that will be my final answer. You may always find another Pokémon if one is off limits.
If you are wanting to ask for a Trade/Sale for Pokémon copy and paste this message and post it to this Forum:

Hello Xern! I am interested in:
(Name of the Pokémon you'd like)
I'd like... (Number of them you'd like) ... of them!
From: (Name of the box)
With everstone: (N/Y)
I will be: (Trading[Post what you'll be trading in return here as well] or Buying[Contact me for prices])
Tip: (They aren't needed but are appreciated :))
I'd like... (Number of them you'd like) ... of them!
From: (Name of the box)
With everstone: (N/Y)
I will be: (Trading[Post what you'll be trading in return here as well] or Buying[Contact me for prices])
Tip: (They aren't needed but are appreciated :))
If you are wanting to buy a shiny hunt:
Shiny Hunts will require 1k-10k PD up front for the Daycare (Depending on rarity). After the shiny is hatched you would have to pay for the shiny's marketed price.
(I also buy Breeding Pairs)
These are the shinies that I will be able to hunt:

-Witch Vulpix/Ninetails
-Growlithe/Arcanine (Hisuian)
-Cursed Rapidash
-Galarian Rapidash
-Winter Mareep
-Zoroark (Hisuian)
-Growlithe/Arcanine (Hisuian)
-Cursed Rapidash
-Galarian Rapidash
-Winter Mareep
-Zoroark (Hisuian)
Use this form to ask for a shiny hunt:

Hello Xern! I'd like to buy a Shiny
I'd like a Shiny: (Pokemon you'd like)
Item: (Name of attached Item you'd like/or "no")
Tip: (Not required but appreciated:))
I'd like a Shiny: (Pokemon you'd like)
Item: (Name of attached Item you'd like/or "no")
Tip: (Not required but appreciated:))
Dark_Fire's Pokémon that are up for trade: (Asking for multiple Pokémon is allowed)
Shiny For Sale
To ask for Dark_Fire's Pokémon copy and fill out this form:
Hello Dark_Fire.
I would like to buy a Pokémon: (Name or Pokedex Number)
Password: (Your favorite color)
With Item: (N/Y)

kittenbus hunts
PS: every price can be negotiated, have a nice day!
PS PS: all orders are confirmed through pms or pp, whichever one you prefer
Title: Pricing !~
!These prices are not 100% true. They are just a base for the true price of a certain Pokémon! I will always check prices before a sale!

Starter: (First Evo):20,000-50,000
(Second Evo): 30,000-60,000 PD
(Third Evo): 40,000-80,000
Easy Pokémon: 15,000-40,000 PD
Medium Pokémon: 20,000-70,000 PD
Hard Pokémon: 25,000-100,000 PD
Legendary Pokémon: 1,000,000- 10,000,000
Event Pokémon: 500,000-1,000,000 PD
Giga Pokémon: 600,000-1,000,000 PD
Mega Pokémon: 1,500,000-10,000,000
(Second Evo): 30,000-60,000 PD
(Third Evo): 40,000-80,000
Easy Pokémon: 15,000-40,000 PD
Medium Pokémon: 20,000-70,000 PD
Hard Pokémon: 25,000-100,000 PD
Legendary Pokémon: 1,000,000- 10,000,000
Event Pokémon: 500,000-1,000,000 PD
Giga Pokémon: 600,000-1,000,000 PD
Mega Pokémon: 1,500,000-10,000,000
Item add-on Prices:
I may not have the item you want, especially a Mega Stone so ask and I will let you know

Berry: 50 PD
Honey: 100 PD
Everstones: 150 PD
Gem of your choosing: 500- Depends on Stonk prices
Evostone: 1,000-3,500 PD
Mega Stone: 200,000 PD
Honey: 100 PD
Everstones: 150 PD
Gem of your choosing: 500- Depends on Stonk prices
Evostone: 1,000-3,500 PD
Mega Stone: 200,000 PD
I'd like... (Number of them you'd like) 1
From: (Name of the box) Ask to Trade
With everstone: (N/Y) Yes? (It was already equipped with an everstone)
I will be: (Trading[Post what you'll be trading in return here as well] or Buying[Contact me for prices]) Pd
Tip: (They aren't needed but are appreciated :)) 5k pd
ℰ𝓍𝒽𝒶𝓊𝓈𝓉𝑒𝒹 24/7
𝒜𝓁𝓈𝑜, 𝑔𝑜 𝓉𝑜𝓊𝒸𝒽 𝑔𝓇𝒶𝓈𝓈 :𝒟
The trade will be made shortly. Thank you for your contribution to the shop! We hope you enjoy the Mon! :)
I'd like (Number of them you’d like): ...1... of them!
From (Name of box): *Ask for Trade*
With everstone (N/Y): No
I will be trading ([Post what you'll be trading in return here as well] or Buying[Contact me for prices]): A random Mon with 20k pd (can negotiate - just palpad me, thanks ^^)
Tip (They aren't needed but are appreciated :)): 2k pd and thanks in advance ;)

~Art by: glitchly

Keep Calm and Stay Positive
Your request has been accepted and a trade will be sent right away! Thank you again and I hope you enjoy the Pokémon! :D
I'd like a Shiny (Pokemon you'd like): Cursed Rapidash or Ponyta
Item (Name of attached Item you'd like/or "no"): Yes, a Dusk Stone (if possible) please, thanks :)
Payment (How much you will be paying when the hunt starts): 10k pd - I’ll do it in advance if that’s good with you ;)
Tip (Not required but appreciated:)): Idk, maybe some random mystery item :p
Title: Shiny hunt
I'd like a Shiny: eevee-lution(any)
Item: no
Tip: some random gems
I will add your hunt to my list which is currently;
Cursed Rapidash - ~MysteryMew~
Witch Ninetails - Personal
You're hunt will be the third on the list not including my current hunt.
After the future hunts and before your hunt begins I will ask for a few thousand PD to take care of the daycare while I hunt you needed shiny and after your shiny has been hatched I will require the full payment, which I will decide and PM you about once I have hatched the Shiny.
Thank you for your use of our shiny shop. We hope to see you again :)
The next hunt is a hunt for ~MysteryMew~ for a Shiny Cursed Rapidash.
I have four currently open slots to be reserved for hunts. My PMs are open :)
I'd like... 2... of them!
From: hunt/retro extras (preferably these 2?
With everstone: N
I will be: Buying[Contact me for prices]
Tip: probs a few mystery items and an event poke or two

kittenbus hunts
Current hunt
Future hunts
Reserved hunts
Credit to glitchy for the snorlax sprite!
Do not resell the pokemon bought here
I would like to buy a Pokémon: shiny tyrunt
Password: purple
With Item: no
pfp by me
my diary
☆Pikaboo's shelter☆

Made by: me (will add more pokemon overtime)