Clover nodded "then I'm good to go. One second, got some business
to do." She answered, walking to the nearest PC while sending
messages on her Pokedex.
"I'll go as well." Gladion added.
Fae continued dancing in the frozen field. Performing really did
put her mind at ease.
Admin smiled a bit. "Aight then. by the way, quick tip, grab a
cloak." He took a lollipop out of his pocket, took off the wrapper,
and stuck it in his mouth.
he packed the pokeballs up, loading them back into the case,
putting them in his bag. he also pulled a ripped black cloak out of
his bag, putting it on.
Clover watched as a Pokeball containing the Pokemon she needed
arrive in front of her. Putting it away she looked through her bag
for anything doubling as a cloak
"hey, some info about this thing. Mark Bezzle, CEO of AmazeCorp is
the manufacture of the black chips controlling the legendaries. so
basically, we're gonna break into AmazeCorp HQ.
"Well I would've done that myself if I had enough info." Clover
said, thinking. "So you're saying we're gonna break in and stop
something related to the black chips?"
At this point Clover kind of regretted her decision to borrow the