Angell walked back out with a few containers off ingredients.
“Thank you. Now I’ll be inside making something in you need me.”
They teleported inside the house.
Frisk sits down. “It’s ok, I know it must be hard but who knows? We
might find a way to get our universes back without having to start
over! Keep on looking for the light. No matter how dark the tunnel
gets.” Asriel and Chara zoom past. “I’ma get to the house first!”
Asriel calls. “No you won’t!” Chara challenges. Toriel sits in
front of the house staring at the scenery.
Angell closed the oven. They walked into the living room, leaned
agaist the wall, and pulled out a worn old photograph. They looked
at it, and smiled. Their tears suddenly dropped and hit the photo.
Toriel walked in. “Hey, Ink... was it! Could please tell me where
the bedrooms are?” Ink hollard at Toriel. “The left of the living
room!” “Thank you Ink!” Toriel said politely and went off.