*You try to break lose, but the rope doesn't seem to go undone, but
You honestly think that it's possible to kill me?!
I already HAVE a broken soul, dummy!
*You gain your strength and break out of the rope, starting to turn
into the new form
"May you be graced by the high moon" Akabara "Red Rose"
Strauss Vol 1. Record of fallen Vampire
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My thoughts get confused and fight with each other
Wait wait that wasn't expected The red thread is entangled, on the
stage nothing but chaos Wait wait that's all wrong
Reversible Campaign DECO*27
*you look to them with fear*
*(right where I needed)*
*you slash you brush up in the air*
*Teleporting To Glitchtale*
KID:I’m taking them with me.
*you teleported away with Time leaving ink everywhere*
*you arrived in Glitchtale*
KID:They should be coming any time soon
..... You heard the sound of something breaking inside Angell.
Angell: Status: Empty=====??????????????
Her eyes blazed. She couldnt take it. She was betrayed once more by
someone she considered a freind. “Gaster. Take care of Delta. I
have a Traitor to judge.” She dissapears into the Æther
"I brought Unnamed Here."
He looked over to the ink mess
"KID betrayed us."
He looked over to the ink again.
"I'm not protecting delta. I'm going to KID."
*you feel something*
KID:right on time, She’s coming. If it wasn’t for the guys letting
me to copy their abilities I would stand no chance
*(this better work, if I get destroyed, Time will never wake up,
they will be fools if they left Delta all alone)*
*What the hell?!?!?!
*Something clicks in your mind, about KID's weapon
That brush, it looks like..
*You rush over to the book shelf, throwing the bokks off the shelf,
until finding the book that said "Ink."
*You look in the book, until you find the brush and learn about the
Does this look familiar?
*You show the two the brush
Gaster grabbed everyone left and pulled Yeeted them through
the void. He open lots of portals around and saw Angell and
"I'm going, you come with if you want."
*(taking role as a AU helper isn’t something we wanted to be, we
never wanted to end like this, GLICH is the reason why we aren’t
here, she lied)*
KID:SO you have arrived, Angell.
KID:You are no different from before. How we counter each other, in
the mind. How you think you truly got rid of me? No? Golly, so now
we are here.
*You hide your left hand*
KID:We can settle this peacefully or we can, you know. Fight.