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Ruby Azul RP

Forum-Index Roleplay Ruby Azul RP
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 01:15 (6 Years ago)
"Lue-nare-ah." She replied taking a pause between each word. "Lue...er...Luna. Yeah that works."


Noemi looked at a carpet with a bit of a smile, "Is this the carpet peasants use? It is quite soft...but where is the gold around it?"
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 01:19 (6 Years ago)
Eclipse opened his eyes and looked down at Xander, "I believe we have eleven" He says as he looks away and at all the new members coming in. It appears none have noticed him hanging from the ceiling.

Aqune was looking around before a girl bumped into her. "I'm so sorry!" She said to the girl. The girl who bumped into her walked straight into her hair, Which was purely water. So that girl was soaked.

(Btw I'm making a new character so that is why it's 11)
Nanbaka Trash:
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 01:20 (6 Years ago)
"Wow, that is so amazing. I never met a changeling before. I hope we can become friends." Kay says with her eye showing amazement.

"Hmm. A changeling interesting. Can you change into anything like a pillow, so I can sleep?" Zack says with a little wonder in his eyes, but also boredom. Kay shakes her head.

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 728
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 01:23 (6 Years ago)
Aurelia giggles and mischievously transforms into Kay. "I like this form!" she says in kay's voice

Lunara shrugged and moved on to the others. Particularly the Aarocroka.
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 240
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 01:24 (6 Years ago)
Mika gave up at this point with his clothing. "I don't care at thins point about my clothes," she sighed. "So, are up for small talk?"

Personal Favorite Couple

These were made by MetalHeadKendra

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 01:26 (6 Years ago)
"So Lulu, do you like playing? Huh do yah? I think I have cards in my bag...maybe. I do have Mr.Peanuts, the most adorablest little elephant ever." Alyson continued forgetting all about the building.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 728
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 01:27 (6 Years ago)
Lunara mentally sighed. Humans. Such frivolous creatures. her eyes glinting with amusement, she shrugged, "Well....depends on what kind of game."
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 01:30 (6 Years ago)
Kay and Zack's eyes widen. "Amazing! Now I can torture Zack... You're really cool Aurelia." Kay says with a smirk. "Ok, you know what I'm just going to go to the guild before I get in more trouble than before. " Zack says slowly backing away from the girls.

Kay giggles, "This is going to be fun. Anyway let's head to the guild before we get late even though we are close to the guild." Kay says with a smile.

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 728
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 01:33 (6 Years ago)
Aurelia shifts back with a giggle, "I'm glad you like my skills. I can actually shift into anything as long as I have seen it." her face becomes sad as she stares at Zack, "I'm sorry if I scared you."
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 01:36 (6 Years ago)
"Well we could play tag! Or hide and seek! Or...or....uh...poker!" She replied listening off a few games, "House can work too. Though if we played that what role would you be? Mother...no. Sister...yeah that can work."
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 728
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 01:37 (6 Years ago)
Lunara quirks an eyebrow and shakes her head, "You humans are very frivolous." As her hair shifts it reveals her pointed ears

Peregrine irritably walks off muttering to herself
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 01:41 (6 Years ago)
"Oh Lulu I had no idea that you were a....uh...pointy ear person. Cat maybe? Yeah. A cat." Alyson replied more impressed than anything.


"Oh, are you a bird person?" Noemi asked seeing Peregrine in the distance.
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 01:43 (6 Years ago)
Zack just shakes his head, "Just don't worry about it. Just make sure she doesn't pull you in her evilness." Zack says while walking away towards the guild.

"Aurelia just dont worry about him. Zack is Zack. He's a scaredy cat, but he'll come around. But your power is amazing." Kay says with a smile but gives a death glare towards Zack that he feels but tries to ignore it.

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 728
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 01:56 (6 Years ago)
Lunara sighed and said slowly, as if Alyson were a dog, “Do you know what a faerie is?”

Aurelia smiles and hugs Kay, "thank you..." the changeling's eyes glowed as she absorbed some of Kay's affection

Peregrine lets out a series of clicks, trills and whistles that spelled out her race: Aarocroka.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 01:58 (6 Years ago)
"The...er...the...hmmm...the faerie or the faerie." She replied confidently as if she was a genius and outsmarted Lunara. "So can we play now?"
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 728
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 01:59 (6 Years ago)
Lunara thought a bit and grinned, "I know what you are talking about. Fairy F-A-I-R-Y refers to a fairy. Faerie F-A-E-R-I-E is referring to the world of fae." The fae grinned
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 02:01 (6 Years ago)
Kay hugs Aurelia's back and pats her back. "Now let's head to guild before Zack gets more rude." Kay says letting go and walking slowly to the guild.

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 728
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 02:03 (6 Years ago)
Aurelia simply leaps and transforms into a pure white ferret, snuggling on kay's shoulder
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 02:08 (6 Years ago)
Kay smiles and pets Aurelia. Kay then heads to the guild. She looks for Zack and sees him looking around with a smile. "Finally he can be happy about something." Kay says while walking towards Zack, but also noticing the others.

"Let's hope everyone else isn't like Zack over there. Be chill one second then rude as heck the next, Aurelia." Kay sees a seat and sits down.

Zack couldn't believe what this guild was...it was AMAZING!

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 728
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 02:10 (6 Years ago)
Aurelia affectionately cuddles with Kay before letting out a scream as Peregrine dived at her, mistaking her for food. Aurelia immediately shifted into a human, which stopped the Aarocroka's attack. Peregrine cocked her head before saying in a harsh squawky English, "Oh I'm sorry. I thought you were a ferret."