The heartless struggles as it’s frozen into a brick. Sky looks at
the Heartless Cube. “Shatter.” It instantaneously shatters into a
million peices. Sky then summons a NovaShadow HeartLess “This is
the second strongest PureBlooded Heartless, know as a NovaShadow.
It has more power then a Darkside, and it’s a bronze color instead
of blueish black. Your going to best it in combat. Also, if your in
a pinch, as a last resort try to use Blizzara. If you feel like you
can’t take it, just say Green, and I’ll jump in. Alright?”
(Currently, Sky has given everyone an Iron Keyblade, which is the
lowest rank of Keyblade. He is currently giving one on one lessons
to master the basics of everyone’s abilities.
Aurelia dodges and tries to use Freeze again. If she could freeze
it, maybe she could ask a question or two on this type. Or how he
was able to control it
He chuckles “Stopra.” Time freezes. He takes the time to walk
around behind her, and slot a Heartless Token into his Keyblade.
The Keyblade turns a black color right as time resumes. “Heartless
Strike.” A black energy bolt shoots out of his Keyblade.
Sky jumped back once more. He slots another token in, and his
Keyblade glows red “Ultimate Fire.” A rather large fire comes out
“Trust in that key. You’ve been doing nothing but channeling Mana.
Trust in its power.”
Aurelia considered. Ice to sing fire to sleep. She channeled a beam
and it cut through the fire. She made it into a dragon, and made it
loop around Sky, pinning his arms behind his back. Before it bit
him on the wrist.
Sky winces, before he slices the dragon with his own Keyblade
“Yaknow, You could have sliced though that with the Keyblade
itself. You don’t have infinite mana, and you do look pretty
“Don’t get me wrong, Even top level heartless have a hard time
landing on me when I’m weaker then this. You did great, you just
can’t always depend of your Magic. Too much will result in Mana
Burn, which can kill you. On that note, who’s next?”